Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/106

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PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969


PUBLIC LAW 91-47-JULY 22, 1969

[83 STAT.


"Operating expenses", $9,500,000; (and release of $82,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law Post, p. 83.


"Acquisition, construction and improvements"; (Release of $51,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); J'Eeserve training", $900,000; (and release of $40,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION

"Operations", $30,400,000; "Operation and maintenance. National Capital airports", $220,000; FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTTJATION

"Highway beautification", $64,000; "Motor carrier safety", $68,000; (and release of $22,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); HIGHWAY TRUST FUND

"Limitation on general expenses", (increase of $875,000 in the limitation on administrative expenses; and release of $641,000 reserved under this limitation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION

"Salaries and expenses"; (release of $35,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); "Bureau of railroad safety", $90,000; (and release of $83,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); TREASURY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

"Salaries and expenses", $257,000; (and release of $134,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); BUREAU OF CUSTOMS

"Salaries and expenses", $2,637,000; (and release of $1,550,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); BUREAU OF THE M I N T

"Salaries and expenses", $500,000; INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE

"Salaries and expenses", $425,000; (and release of $564,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364); "Revenue accounting and processing", $4,500,000; "Compliance", $2,800,000; (and release of $20,360,000 reserved under this appropriation pursuant to section 201 of Public Law 90-364);