Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/1082

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[83 STAT. A14]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. A14]



Economic Advisers, Council of, appropri- Page ationfor 62, 121 Economic Development Assistance, appropriation for 60, 412 Economic Opportunity, Office of: Antipoverty agencies, beneficiary's tax delinquency, withholding payments 833 National Older Americans Volunteer Program, cooperation 113 Spanish-Speaking People, Cabinet Committee on Opportunities for, member 838 Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, Amendments: Drug rehabilitation; alcoholic counseling and recovery programs 829, 830 Extension of program; authorization of funds 827 Headstart, family planning, health services, etc 827 Job Corps centers facihties available for special youth programs 832 Special work and career development programs 833 Trust Territories of the Pacific, applicability 830,835 VISTA volunteers, creditable service for civil service retirement 831 Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1969 827 Economic Research Service, appropriation for ___ 66 Education. See also Schools and Colleges. Campus disruptors— Convicted students, denial of financial assistance 201, 203 Grant payments, denial of 230 Loan funds, use of, prohibition 427 Coal mining, programs for health and safety, training, etc 800, 802 College housing, grants 390 Educational Television and Radio Amendments of 1969 146 Emergency Insured Student Loan Act of 1969 141 Financial assistance, denial to convicted students 201, 203 Fish and wildlife, endangered species, importation 276 "A Guide to Student Assistance", printed as a House document 907 Joint labor-management trust funds for scholarships, employer contributions ^_. 133

Mutual educational and cultural ex- JPa»e change activities, appropriation for. 407 National Center on Educational Media and Materials for the Handicapped, establishment 102 National Education Association of the United States, power to sell property; elimination of board of trustees. _ 42 National School Lunch Act, appropriation for effecting provisions.. 251, 252 National School Lunch Week, 1969, proclamation 967 New Hampshire-Vermont Interstate School Compact 14 Student Loan Act of 1969, Emergency Insured 141 Television broadcasting facilities, increased funds for grants 146 Universities, public, local grants-in-aid credit 387 Education, Office of, appropriation for — 57, 70, 422 Education Act of 1965, Higher, Amendments, increased appropriation, authorization 143 Education Facilities Act, Higher, appropriation for effecting provisions 57 Education Week, American, 1969, proclamation. 964 Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Mutual, appropriation for effecting provisions 407, 424, 426 Educational Television and Radio Amendments of 1969 146 Eisenhower, Dwight David: Death of, proclamation announcing 941 Eulogies to, printed as House and Senate documents 900, 905 Eisenhower, Mamie Doud, mail service, franking privileges 7 Eisenhower National Historical Site, Gettysburg, Pa., development 274 Elderly: Housing for, loans 390 Older Americans Act Amendments of 1965. See separate title. Older Americans Act Amendments of 1969 108 Eldorado National Forest, Calif., designation of Desolation Wilderness within. 131 Election Act, Federal Contested 284 Electoral Vote Count 897 Electrodes for Aluminum Production, suspension of duty, extension 36 Emergency Insured Student Loan Act of 1969 141 Emergency Preparedness, Office of, appropriation for__ 52, 65, 221