Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/133

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[83 STAT. 105]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 105]

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-65-AUG. 25, 1969


one-year period beginning on the date such notice is received by the Commissioner. (c) During the five-year period beginning on the date of the conveyance under subsection (a) of this section, or, if shorter, during such period as the Corporation holds title to the real property conveyed under such subsection, the District of Columbia may, under its power of eminent domain, acquire such real property from the Corporation only upon payment to the Corporation of $500,000 or, if greater, the fair market value of such real property (but not to exceed $600,000), determined as of the date of acquisition by the District of Columbia. Approved August 25, 1969,

Public Law 91-64 AN ACT To comijensate the Indians of California for the value of land erroneously used as a u offset in a judgment against the United States obtained by said Indians.

August 25, 1969 [H.R. 671]

Be it enacted by the &enate and House of Representatives of the Indians United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3 of the California.of Act of September 21, 1968 (82 Stat. 860; Public Law 90-507), is ^compTns'ation. redesignated as subsection (a) of section 3 and a new subsection (b) is ^s use eei. added as follows: " (b) The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to credit to the judgment account referred to in subsection (a), for distribution as a part of such account, the sum of $83,275, plus interest at 4 per centum per annum from December 4, 1944, which sum represents the value of sixty-six thousand six hundred and twenty acres of land erroneously used as an offset against said judgment." Approved August 25, 1969.

Public Law 91-65 AN ACT To continue for a temporary period the existing susijension of duty on certain istle and the existing interest equalization tax.

August 25, 1969 [ H. R. 10107]

Be it enacted by the Senate and tiouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) item ^^"^• 903.90 of the Tariff Schedules of the United States (19 LT.S.C, sec. sion '"'"" 1202, item 903.90) is amended by striking out "9/5/69 and inserting 8° Stat. 771. in lieu thereof "9/5/72". (b) The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption, after September 5, 1969. SEC. 2. Effective with respect to acquisitions made after August 31,. interest equai1969, section 4911(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating 'ExtTnsloii. to termination of interest equalization tax) is amended by striking out Ante, p. 86; "August 31, 1969" and inserting in lieu thereof "September 30, 1969". Post, p. 2 6 1. Approved August 25, 1969.