Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/219

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[83 STAT. 191]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 191]

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-117-NOV. 14, 1969


"SEC. 3. Any land mortgaged under section 2 of this Act shall be subject to foreclosure or sale pursuant to the terms of such mortgage or deed of trust in accordance with the laws of South Dakota. For the purpose of any foreclosure or sale proceeding, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe shall be regarded as vested with an unrestricted fee simple title to the land, the United States shall not be a necessary party to the foreclosure or sale proceeding, and any conveyance of the land pursuant to the foreclosure or sale proceeding shall divest the United States of title to the land. Title to any land redeemed or acquired by the Rosebud Sioux Tribe at such foreclosure or sale proceeding shall be taken in the name of the United States in trust for the tribe. Title to any land purchased by an individual Indian member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe at such foreclosure sale or proceeding may, with the consent of the Secretary of the Interior, be taken in the name of the United States in trust for the individual Indian purchaser." SEC. 2. The Act of December 11, 1963 (77 Stat. 349), Public Law 88-196, entitled "An Act to authorize the sale and exchange of isolated tracts of tribal land on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation, South Dakota", is further amended by adding a section 4 reading as follows: "SEC. 4. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the foreclosure of a mortgage or a deed of trust which is then owned by an individual Indian." Approved November 10, 1969.

Public Law 91-116 JOINT RESOLUTION

November 13, 1969

To increase the appropriation authorization for the food stamp program for [H. J. Res. 934] tiscal year 1970 to $610,000,000. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United /States of America in C&ngress assemhJed^ That section 16(a) of the Food Stamp Act of 1964 is amended by striking "$340,000,000" and ^s Stat. 709; inserting "$610,000,000". \%%c 2025. Approved November 13, 1969.

Public Law 91-117 JOINT RESOLUTION

November 14, 1969

Making further continuing appropriations for the liscal year 1970, and for other purposes.

[H. j. Res. 966]

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums,,„^°"iT="A'^!,= /








are appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise 1970. appropriated, and out of applicable corporate or other revenues, receipts, and funds, for the several departments, agencies, corporations, and other organizational units of the Government for the fiscal year 1970, namely: SEC. 101. (a) Such amounts as may be necessary for continuing projects or activities which were conducted in the fiscal year 1969 and are listed in this subsection at a rate for operations not in excess