Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/25

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[83 STAT. xxv]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. xxv]




Jan. 3, 1969... Congress. Electoral vote count S. Con. Res. 1 Jan. 6, 1969... Joint Inaugural Committee. Continuation H. Con. Res. 1 Jan. 13, 1969... Congress. Joint meeting H. Con. Res. 77 Feb. 7, 1969... Congrress. Adjournment from February 7 to 17, 1969-_ H. Con. Res. 124 Feb. 7, 1969... Boy/Scowls o/.Amenca. Congressional commendation. H. Con. Res. 133 Apr. 1, 1969... Congress. Adjournment from April 3 to 14, 1969 H. Con. Res. 191 Harry S. Tfuman—Eighty-fifth birthday. Apr. 25, 1969... Best wishes from Congress H. Con. Res. 216 "The Nomination of Governor Walter J. Hickel, of Alaska, to be Secretary of the Interior." Printing of copies of hearings S. Con. Res. 5 Apr. 29, 1969... Survey of the Alliance for Progress—Compilation of Studies. Printing as Senate document S. Con. Res. 15 Apr. 29, 1969... Eulogies on Dwight David Eisenhower. Printing as Senate document .._ S. Con. Res. 16 Apr. 29, 1969... Diamond Jubilee Year of the American Motion Picture. Congressional designation H. Con. Res. 165 May 5, 1969... Veterans' Benefits Calculator. Printing of additional copies H. Con. Res. 35 May 23, 1969... "Summary of Veterans Legislation Reported, Ninetyfirst Congress, First Session." Printing of additional copies H. Con. Res. 95 May 23, 1969... Congrress. Adjournment from May 28 to June 2, 1969. H. Con. Res. 277 May 27, 1969... "Our American Government. What Is It? How Does It Function?" Printing of additional copies H. Con. Res. 162 June 9, 1969... "How Our Laws Are Made." Printing of additional copies _. H. Con. Res. 1 9 2... - June 9, 1969... /S. J". i2es. 55. Correction in enrollment of bill S. Con. Res. 29 June 9, 1969... Dartmouth College—Two Hundredth Anniversary. Congressional commendation H. Con. Res. 114 June 19, 1969-.. Saint Lawrence Seaway—Tenth Anniversary. Congressional commendation S. Con. Res. 17 June 26, 1969... Congress. Adjournment from July 2 to 7, 1969 H. Con. Res. 296 July 1, 1969... Thermal Pollution—1968 Hearings. Printing of additional copies S. Con. Res. 21 July 1, 1969... Baseball—One-hundredth Anniversary. Congression' al commendation H. Con. Res. 3 0 0.... July 17, 1969-."Subversive Influences in Riots, Looting, and Burning." Printing of additional copies H. Con. Res. 208 July 24, 1969-.. "The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures: The PPB System." Printing of additional copies H. Con. Res. 2 0 9 - .. July 24, 1969... ZnowgfuraZ ylddresses. Printing as House document-. H. Con. Res. 291 July 24, 1969.__ Congress. Adjournment from August 13 to September 3, 1969 H. Con. Res. 3 1 5 —. Aug. 12, 1969.."The Capitol." Printing of additional copies H. Con. Res. 1 9 3 - ... Sept. 30, 1969... "1969 Listing of Operating Federal Assistance Programs Compiled During the Roth Study." Printing Sept. 30, 1969.-. as House document H. Con. Res. 309 "Strategy and Science: Toward a National Security Policy for the 1970's." Printing as House Oct. 16, 1969.-. document H. Con. Res. 338 Eulogies on Dwight David Eisenhower. Printing as Oct. 28, 1969.-. House document H. Con. Res. 368 Ninth International Congress on High Speed Nov. 3, 1969... Photography. U.S. participation S. Con. Res. 12 House of Representatives. Adjournment from Nov. 6, 1969--. November 6 to 12, 1969 H. Con. Res. 441 Nov. 25, 1969... Congress. Adjournment from Nov. 26 to Dec. 1, 1969. S. Con. Res. 48 "A Guide to Student Assistance." Printing as House Dec. 11, 1969--. document H. Con. Res. 345 XXV

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