Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/39

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PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-18-MAY 28, 1969


§ 3h Minimum quantities; expiration of authority Except for such quantities, if any, of gold or silver medals as may be approved by the Secretary, the medals may not be made in quantities or less than two thousand nor in an aggregate quantity greater than one hundred thousand. They shall be made and delivered at such times Jis may be required by the Commission, but no medals may be made after December 31, 1970. § 4. Determination of cost; security for payment The medals shall be furnished at a price or prices equal to the costs of manufacture as estimated by the Secretary, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses. The medals may not be made unless security satisfactory to the Secretary is furnished to indemnify the United States for full payment of these costs. ApprovedMay 28, 1969.

Public Law 91-17 JOINT RESOLUTION T(» Hiithorize the President to issue a proclamation designating the tirst weels in .June of 196!) as "Helen Keller Memorial Week".

May 28, 1969 [S. j. Res. 99]

ttesolved by the S^icnate and House of Rep'reHentativea of the United Helen /States of America in Congress assembled, That, in recognition of MemorialKeller Week. Helen Keller's outstanding contribution to the education, welfare, and Prociamauon. rehabilitation of blind and deaf persojis throughout the world, the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation desigiiatuig the first week in June of 1969 as "Helen Keller Memorial Week", calling upon the peo{)le of the United States to observe such week with appropriate ceremoniea and activities. Approved May 28, 1969.

Public Law 91-18 AN ACT To provide for the striking of medals in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the city of Wichita, Kansas.

May 28, 1969 [H. R. 8188]

Be it emi<;ted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. Tooth'annive^' § 1. Medals authorized ^"^ r^^d^i^. I n commemoration of the one hundi*edth anniversary of the founding of the city of Wichita, Kansas, which will be celebrated in 1970, the Secretary of the Treasury (referred to in this Act as the Secretary) shall furnish medals (referred to in this Act as the medals) in accordance with this Act to Wichita Centennial, Incorporated (referred to in this Act as the Corporation). The medals authorized under this Act are national medals within the meaning of section 3351 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 368). § 2. Design and materials The medals shall bear such emblems, devices, and inscriptions, shall be of such size or sizes, and shall be made of such materials as the Corporation may determine with the approval of the Secretary.