Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/434

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[83 STAT. 406]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 406]

406 59 Stat. 1219.

PUBLIC LAW 91-153-DEC. 24, 1969

signed at Washington on February 3, 1944, $400,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That no expenditures shall be made for the I ^ w e r Rio Grande flood-control project for construction on any land, site, or easement in connection with this project except such as has been acquired by donation and the title thereto has been approved by the Attorney General of the United States: Provided further, That the Anzalduas diversion dam shall not be operated for irrigation or water supply purposes in the United States unless suitable arrangements have been made with the prospective water users for repayment to the Government of such portions of the costs of said dam as shall have been allocated to such purposes by the Secretary of State. AMERICA N SECTIONS, INTERNATIONAL

1 usT 694.

80 Stat. 416.

[83 STAT.


For expenses necessary to enable the President to perform the obligations of the United States pursuant to treaties between the United States and Great Britain, in respect to Canada, signed January 11, 1909 (36 Stat. 2448), and February 24, 1925 (44 Stat. 2102); and the treaty between the United States and Canada, signed February 27, 1950: including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109: hire of passenger motor vehicles; $561,000, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, and to be available also for additional expenses of the American Sections, International Commissions, as hereinafter set forth: International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, the salary of the Commissioners on the part of the United States who shall serve at the pleasure of the President; salaries of clerks and other employees appointed by the Commissioners on the part of the United States with the approval solely of the Secretary of State; travel expenses and compensation of witnesses in attending hearings of the Commission at such places in the United States and Canada as the Commission or the American Commissioners shall determine to be necessary; and special and technical investigations in connection with matters falling within the Commission's jurisdiction: Provided, That transfers of funds may be made to other agencies of the Government for the performance of work for which this appropriation is made. International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada, the completion of such remaining work as may be required under the award of the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal and the existing treaties between the United States and Great Britain; commutation of subsistence to employees while on field duty, not to exceed $8 per day each (but not to exceed $5 per day each when a member of a field party and subsisting in c a m p); hire of freight and passenger motor vehicles from temporary field employees; and payment for timber necessarily cut in keeping the boundary line clear. INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES


For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to enable the United States to meet its obligations in connection with participation in international fisheries commissions pursuant to treaties or conventions, and implementing Acts of Congress, $2,344,500: Provided, That the United States share of such expenses may be advanced to the respective commissions.