Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/56

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PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969


PUBLIC LAW 91-21-JUNE 3, 1969

[83 STAT.

The state aid shall be paid to the New Hampshire member school district to reduce the sums which would otherwise be required to be raised' by taxation within the member district. "C. CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE MEMBER SCHOOL

DISTRICT.—A New Hampshire member school district shall continue in existence, and shall have all of the powers and be subject to all of the obligations imposed by law and not herein delegated to the interstate district. If the interstate district incorporates only a part of the schools in the member school district, then the school board of the member school district shall continue in existence and it shall have all of the powers and be subject to all of the obligations imposed by law on it and not herein delegated to the district. However, if all of the schools, in the member sdiool district are incorporated into the interstate school district, then the member or members of the interstate board representing the member district shall have all of the powers and be subject to all of the obligations imposed by law on the members of a school board for the member district and not herein delegated to the interstate district. The New Hampshire member school district shall remain liable on its existing indebtedness; and the interstate school district shall not become liable therefor, unless the indebtedness is specifically assumed in accordance with the articles of agreement. Any trust funds or capital reserve funds and any property not taken over by the interstate district shall be retained b j the New Hampshire member district and held or disposed of according to law. If all of the schools in a member district are incorporated into an interstate district, then no annual meeting of the member district shall be required unless the members of the interstate board from the member district shall determine that there is occasion for such an annual meeting. "D. S U I T AND SERVICE OF PROCESS I N N E W HAMPSHIRE.—The courts of New Hampshire shall have the same jurisdiction over the district ns though a New Hampshire member district were a party instead of the interstate district. The service necessary to institute suit in New Hampshire shall be made on the district by leaving a copy of the writ or other proceedings in hand or at the last and usual place of abode of one of the directors who reside in New Hampshire, and by mailing a like copy to the clerk and to one other director by certified mail with return receipt requested. " E. EMPLOYMENT.—Each employee of an interstate district assigned to a school located in New Hampshire shall be considered an employee of a New Hampshire school district for the purpose of the New Hampshire teachers' retirement system, the New Hampshire state employees' retirement system, the New Hampshire workmen's compensation law and any other law relating to the regulation of employment or the provision of benefits for employees of New Hampshire school districts except as follows: " 1. A teacher in a New Hampshire member district may elect to remain a member of the New Hampshire teachers' retirement system, even though assigned to teach in an interstate school in Vermont. "2. Employees of interstate districts designated as professional or instructional staff members, as defined in article I hereof, may elect to participate in the teachers' retirement system of either the state of New Hampshire or the state of Vermont but in no case will they participate in both retirement systems simultaneously. "3. I t shall be the duty of the superintendent in an interstate district o: (a) advise teachers and other professional staff employees contracted for the district about the terms of the contract and the policies and procedure of the retirement systems; (b) see