Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/879

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[83 STAT. 851]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969
[83 STAT. 851]

83 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-189-DEC. 30, 1969


Public Law 91-189 AN ACT

To amend title 5, United States Code, to promote the efficient and effective use of the revolving fund of the Civil Service Commission in connection with certain functions of the Commission, and for other purposes.

December 30, 1969

[H. R. 9233]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) section <^^^i/ service 1304(e) of title 5, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: R^^owYngfund. (e)(1) A revolving fund of $4,000,000 is available, to the Com- so Stat. 402. mission without fiscal year limitation, for financing investigations, training, and such other functions as the Commission is authorized or required to perform on a reimbursable basis. However, the functions which may be financed in any fiscal year by the fund are restricted to those functions which are covered by the budget estimates submitted to the Congress for that fiscal year. To the maximum extent feasible, each individual activity shall be conducted generally on an actual cost basis over a reasonable period of time. " (2) The capital of the fund consists of the aggregate of— '"(A) appropriations made to provide capital for the fund; and " (B) the sum of the fair and reasonable value of such supplies, equipment, and other assets as the Commission from time to time transfers to the fund (including the amount of the unexpended balances of appropriations or funds relating to activities the financing of which is transferred to the fund) less the amount of related liabilities, the amount of unpaid obligations, and the value of accrued annual leave of employees, which are attributable to the activities the financing of which is transferred to the fund. " (3) The fund shall be credited with— " (A) advances and reimbursements from available funds of the Commission or other agencies, or from other sources, for those services and supplies provided at rates estimated by the Commission as adequate to recover expenses of operation (including provision for accrued annual leave of employees and depreciation of equipment); and " (B) receipts from sales or exchanges of property, and payments for loss of or damage to property, accounted for under the fund. "(4) Any unobligated and unexpended balances in the fund which the Commission determines to be in excess of amounts needed for activities financed by the fund shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. "(5) The Commission shall prepare a business-type budget providing full disclosure of the results of operations for each of the functions performed by the Commission and financed by the fund, and such budget shall be transmitted to the Congress and considered, in the manner prescribed by law for wholly owned Government corporations. "(6) The Comptroller General of the United States shall, as a ^^^°^^^°^omresult of his periodic reviews of the activities financed by the fund, mute^es?^ report and make such recommendations as he deems appropriate to the Committees on Post Office and Civil Service of the Senate and House of Representatives at least once every three years.". (b) Section 1304(f) of title 5, United States Code, is amended by 8° Stat. 402. striking out "investigations made" and inserting in lieu thereof "investigations, training, and functions performed"." SEC. 2. The provisions of section 8341(e) of title 5, United States Effective date. Code, as amended by section 206(b) of Public Law 91-93 (83 Stat. 140), shall be effective as of October 20, 1969. Approved December 30, 1969.