Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 83.djvu/92

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PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1969


PUBLIC LAW 91-47-JULY 22, 1969

[83 STAT.

Contingent Expenses of the House "Special and select committees", $129,000; "Revision of laws", $1,490; "Speaker's automobile", $665; "Majority leader's automobile", $665; "Minority leader's automobile", $665; JOINT ITEMS

Contingent Expenses of the Senate "Joint Economic Committee", $13,500; "Joint Committee on Atomic Energy", $17,820; "Joint Committee on Printing", $12,425; Contingent Expenses of the House "Joint Committee on Defense Production", $7,950; ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL

Office of the Architect of the Capitol: "Salaries", $36,000; Capitol buildings and grounds: "Capitol buildings", $74,500; "Capitol grounds", $25,600; "Senate office buildings", $174,000; "Senate garage", $6,500; "House office buildings", $300,000; "Capitol power plant^', $27,500; Library buildmgs and grounds: "Structural and mechanical care", $28,000; BOTANIC GARDEN

"Salaries and expenses", $22,500; LIBRARY or


"Salaries and expenses", $579,300: Provided, That $75,000 of the amount allocated for rental of space under this head, fiscal year 1969, may be used for increased pay costs; Copyright Office: "Salaries and expenses", $109,800; Legislative Reference Service: "Salaries and expenses", $170,000, and in addition, $50,000 to be derived by transfer from the appropriation "Salaries and expenses", distribution of catalog cards; Distribution of catalog cards: Not to exceed $150,000 of the $200,000 reserve fund under this head, fiscal year 1969, may be used for increased pay costs; Organizing and microfilming the papers of the Presidents: "Salaries and expenses", $6,000; "Collection and distribution of library materials (special foreign currency program)", $9,000; GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE

82 Stat. 412. j

Office of Superintendent of Documents: "Salaries and expenses", $178,000: Pwvitf?e<f, That not to exceed $50,000 of the $200,000 reserve fund under this head, fiscal year 1969, may be used for increased pay costs;