Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/829

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[84 STAT. 771]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 771]

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-375-AUG. 12, 1970

"§ 5210. Intermodal transportation "The Postal Service may permit a carrier to perform mail transportation by any form of transportation it deems appropriate at rates or compensation not exceeding those allowable for similar service by the designated form of transportation. "§ 5211. Statistical studies "The Postal Service may arrange for weighing and measuring mail transported on carrier mail routes and make other computations for statistical and administrative purposes to carry out the purposes of this chapter. "§ 5212. Special contracts "The Postal Service may enter into special contracts with any carrier or person, without advertising, for bids and for periods not in excess of 4 years. I t may contract to pay lower rates or compensation or, where in its judgment conditions warrant, higher rates or compensation than those determined or fixed by the (Commission. The fact that the (Commission has not prescribed rates or compensation for the carrier involved, under section 5207 of this title, shall not preclude execution of a contract under this section. Such contracts may be negotiated only after reasonable notice has been posted in adv^ance in post offices on the post roads to be served, and other carriers or persons have been given an opportunity to offer to negotiate for the transportation of mail. "§5213. Carrier operations; receipts; expenditures "The Postal Service shall request any carrier transporting the mails to furnish, under seal, such data relating to the operations, receipts, and expenditures of such carrier as may, in its judgment, be deemed necessary to enable it to ascertain the cost of mail transportation and the proper compensation to be paid for such service. "§5214. Agreements with passenger common carriers by motor vehicle "The Postal Service may enter into contracts under such terms and conditions as it shall prescribe and without advertising for bids for the transportation of mail, in passenger-carrying motor vehicles, by passenger common carriers, or by motor vehicles over the regular routes on which the carrier is permitted by law to transport passengers. "§ 5215. Star route certification " (a) Any person who was a contractor under a star route, mail messenger, or contract motor vehicle service contract on the effective date of this section (or successor in interest to any such person), shall, upon application to the Commission for the territory within which such contractor operated on or before the effective date of this section be issued a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a motor carrier for the transportation of mail by the Commission without the Commission's requiring further proof that the public convenience and necessity will be served by such operation and without further proceedings. "(b) Applications of persons who were not contractors on the effective date of this section shall be decided in accordance with applicable Commission procedure. "(c) For purposes of this section, the teiTn 'person' has the same meaning given that term under section 1 of title 1.



"Person." ^2 Stat. 8 59.