Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 1.djvu/965

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[84 STAT. 907]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 907]

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-441-OCT. 7, 1970


(1) the Secretary of Defense, prior to or during each fiscal year, negotiates advance agreements establishing a dollar ceiling on such costs with all companies which during their last preceding fiscal year received more than $2,000,000 of independent research and development or bid and proposal payments from the Department of Defense, the advance agreements thus negotiated (A) to cover the first fiscal year of each such contractor beginning on or after the beginning of each fiscal year of the Federal Government, and (B) to be concluded either directly with each such company or with those product divisions of each such company which contract directly with the Department of Defense and themselves received more than $250,000 of such payments during their company's last preceding fiscal year; (2) the independent research and development portions of the advance agreements thus negotiated are based on company submitted plans on each of which a technical evaluation is performed by the Department of Defense prior to or during the fiscal year covered by such advance agreement; and (3) no payments for independent research and development or bid and proposal costs are made by the Department of Defense to any company or product division with which an advance agreement is required by subsection (a)(1) of this section, except pursuant to the terms of that agreement. (b) In the event negotiations are held with any company or product division with which they are required under subsection (a)(1) of this section, but no agreement is reached with any such company or product division, no payments for independent research and development or bid and proposal costs shall be made to any such company or product division during the fiscal year for which agreement was not reached, except in an amount substantially less than the amount which, in the opinion of the Department of Defense, such company or product division would otherwise have been entitled to receive, subject to appeal by such company or product division under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense. (c) The Secretary of Defense shall submit an annual report to the ^ Annual report to Congress. Congress on or before March 15, 1971, and on or before March 15 '" * " "°^ of each succeeding year, setting forth— (1) those companies with which negotiations were held pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this section prior to or during the preceding fiscal year of the Federal Government, together with the results of those negotiations; (2) the latest available Defense Contract Audit Agency statistics, estimated to the extent necessary, on the independent research and development or bid and proposal payments made to major