Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1181

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[84 STAT. A65]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A65]



National Advisory Council on Health Page National Board for the Promotion of Page Rifle Practice, appropriation for 2024 Manpower Shortage Areas, member of 1869 National Bureau of Standards, appropriation for 391, 1052 National Advisory Council on Services and National Cancer Institute, appropriaFacilities for the Developmentally tion for 30, 2008 Disabled, establishment 1318 National Capital Planning Commission, National Advisory Council on the Educaappropriation for 402, 684 tion of Disadvantaged Children, authority 125 National Capital Transportation Act of of 1960, public buildings, accesNational Advisory Mental Health Council, approval of grants 62 sibility to physically handicapped 49 National Capital Transportation Act of National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958: 1965, public buildings, accessibility Amendment, National Aeronautics and to physically handicapped 49 Space Council, membership, incluNational Capital Transportation Act of sion of secretary of Transportation. 855 1969, appropriation for effecting proAppropriation for effecting provisions. _ 1464 visions 385 Land acquisition, reimbursement of National Center on Educational Media owner or tenant, repeal of proviand Materials for the Handicapped, sion - . 1903 establishment 187 National Aeronautics and Space AdminisNational Clown Week, designation.. 914 iration: National Commission for the Review of Appropriation for 400, 1449 Federal and State Laws Relating to Construction of facilities, research and Wiretapping and Electronic Surdevelopment, etc., appropriation veillance, establishment, repeal; reauthorization 368 enactment of provision 961, 1893 Western Interstate Nuclear Board, cooperation 986 National Commission on Consumer Finance: National Aeronautics and Space AdminisAppropriation for 1450 tration Authorization Act, 1970; Final report, time extension 440 Amendment, employees and former employees, reporting requirements... 373 National Commission on Individual Rights, establishment 960 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, 1971 368 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, establishment.. 440 National Aeronautics and Space Council, appropriation for 388, 1454 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Act 440 National Agricultural Library: Appropriation for 390, 1492 National Commission on Materials Policy, creation — 1234 Gifts, authorization to accept _ _ 1588 National Commission on Product Safety, National Arbor Day: appropriation for 47 Designation 200 Proclamation 2228 National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws, appropriaNational Archives and Records Service: tion for 1059 Appropriation for 1446 National Commission on School Finance, Federal Council on the Arts and the establishment 194 Humanities, member. 446 National Commission on State WorkFederal Register. See separate title. Highway Beautification, Commission men's Compensation Laws, estabon, final report, deposit in 1728 lishment — - 1616 National Parks, Centennial CommisNational Council on Indian Opportunity, sion, consultation with Interior appropriation for. 6S6 Department on disposition of National Council on Marine Resources books, relics, etc 428' and Engineering Development: National Arts and Cultural Development Appropriation for 1987 Act of 1964, repeal 445 Extension 865 National Blood Donor Month: National Council on Quality in Education, 1970, proclamation __ 2203 establishment 148 1971, designation. _ 1114 National Council on the Arts, appoint1971, proclamation 2258 ment of chairman and members 444