Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/1192

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[84 STAT. A76]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. A76]



President of the United States, Reports Page to—Continued National Advisory Council on the Education of Disadvantaged Children, annual 125 National Commission on Consumer Finance, final report, time extension 440 National Commission on Individual Rights 961 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 441 National Commission on Materials Policy 1235 National Council on Quality in Education 148, 149 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 1613 National rail passenger service 1333, 1341 National Tourism Resources Review Commission 1073 Postal Service— Board of Governors, private carriage of mail, study 783 Operations 743 Railroad Retirement, Commission on, study 794 Securities and Exchange Commission, annual report of Securities Investor Protection Corporation 1653 Solid waste disposal 1229, 1233, 1235 State, Department of. Foreign Service retirement fund 18 Transportation, Department of— Railroads granted guaranteed loans, financial condition 1978 Water pollution control programs 98, 111 Treasury, Department of the, International M o n e t a r y F u n d, annual 1659 Western I n t e r s t a t e Nuclear Board 986 Workmen's Compensation Commission, study 1617 President of the United States, Reports to, for Transmittal to Congress: Civil Service Commission, job evaluation and ranking plan 74 Emergency Preparedness, Office of, disaster assistance 1749 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of— Communicable diseases, control 989 Occupational safety and health standards 1615 Labor, Department of, occupational safety and health standards 1615 National Credit Union Administration, annual 50 Transportation, Department of, railroad rights-of-way, grade crossings, hazardous materials, etc 972, 976, 977

Page Y o u t h Conservation Corps 795, 796 President's Advisory Council on Executive Organization, appropriation for_ 877 President's Commission on Campus Unrest: Contract with Federal or State agencies, 431 Supoena authority requiring attendance of witnesses 429 President's Committee on Consumer Interests, appropriation for 47, 402, 2018 President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, appropriation for_ _ 25 President's Council on Youth Opportunity, appropriation for 47, 2018 Pribilof Islands, appropriation for administration of 676 Prince William County, Va., exchange of lands with District of Columbia 1095 Prison Industries, Incorporated, Federal, appropriation for 397, 1063, 1993 Prison System, Federal, appropriation for_ 383, 397, 1047, 1993 Prisoners of War, American: Congressional protest of t r e a t m e n t 2180 International justice, appeal for 2183 Savings deposits, removal of limitation on 16 U.S.S. PuebloCombat zone, tax exemption for certain members 200 Personnel, compensation 3 24 Proclamations: American Education Week, 1970 2247 American H e a r t Month, 1970 2210 Bill of Rights D a y — Human Rights Day 2261 Cancer Control Month, 1970 2221 Captive Nations Week, 1970 2240 Carpets and rugs, increased d u t y, partial extension 2204 Chemicals, interruption of d u t y reduction on certain 2199 Child Health D a y, 1970 2248 Citizenship D a y and Constitution Week, 1970 2233 Columbus D a y, 1970 2246 C o u n t r y Music Month, 1970 2249 D a y of Bread and H a r v e s t Festival Week 2252 Designation 887 D a y of Prayer 2229 Drug Abuse Prevention Week, 1970_-- 2228 Fire Prevention Week, 1970 2239 Flag D a y and National Flag Week, 1970 2232 Flag of the United States, display at the White House 2243 General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1970. 2245