Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/143

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[84 STAT. 1473]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1473]

84 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 91-560-DEC. 19, 1970

SEC. 6. Subsection 105 c. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "c. (1) The Commission shall promptly transmit to the Attorney General a copy of any license aj^plication provided for in paragraph (2) of this subsection, and a copy of any written request provided for in paragraph (3) of this subsection; and the Attorney General shall, within a reasonable time, but in no levent to exceed 180 days after receiving a copy of such application or written request, render such advice to the Commission as he determines to be appropriate in regard to the finding to be made by the Commission pursuant to paragraph (5) of this subsection. Such advice shall include an explanatory statement as to the reasons or basis therefor. "(2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall apply to an application for a license to construct or operate a utilization or production facility under section 103: Provided, however. That paragraph (1) shall not apply to an application for a license to operate a utilization or production facility for which a construction permit was issued under section 103 unless the Commission determines such review is advisable on the ground that significant changes in the licensee's activities or proposed activities have occurred subsequent to the previous review by the Attorney General and the Commission under this subsection in connection with the construction permit for the facility. "(3) With respect to any Commission permit for the construction of a utilization or production facility issued pursuant to subsection 104 b. prior to the enactment into law of this subsection, any person who intervened or who sought by timely written notice to the Commission to intervene in the construction permit proceeding for the facility to obtain a determination of antitrust considerations or to advance a jurisdictional basis for such determination shall have the right, upon a written request to the Commission, to obtain an antitrust review under this section of the application for an operating license. Such written request shall be made within 25 days after the date of initial Commission publication in the Federal Register of notice of the filing of an application for an operating license for the facility or the date of enactment into law of this subsection, whichever is later. "(4) Upon the request of the Attorney General, the Commission shall furnish or cause to be furnished such information as the Attorney General determines to be appropriate for the advice called for in paragraph (1) of this subsection. "(5) Promptly upon receipt of the Attorney General's advice, the Commission shall publish the advice in the Federal Register. Where the Attorney General advises that there m a j be adverse antitrust aspects and recommends that there be a hearing, the Attorney General or his designee may participate as a party in the proceedings thereafter held by the Commission on such licensing matter in connection with the subject matter of his advice. The Commission shall give due consideration to the advice received from the Attorney General and to such evidence as may be provided during the proceedings in connection with such subject matter, and shall make a finding as to whether the activities under the license would create or maintain a situation inconsistent with the antitrust laws as specified in subsection 105 a. . . . "(6) In the event the Commission's finding under paragraph (5) is in the ajffirmative, the Commission shall also consider, in determining whether the license should be issued or continued, such other factors, including the need for power in the aifected area, as the Commission in its judgment deems necessary to protect the public interest. On the basis of its findings, the Commission shall have the authority to

1473 tr^s'^'^r^vsiT 68 Stat. 938. ^ 2 USC 213s. ^

Ante, p. 1472.

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