Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/362

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[84 STAT. 1692]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 1692]


PUBLIC LAW 91-604-DEC. 31, 1970



Feasibility study, funds.

Reports to Administrator and Congress.

Information, availability.

Useful life of v e h i c l e. Post,

p. 1696.

Post, p. 1694.

[84 STAT.

" (D) Within 60 days after receipt of the application for any such suspension, and after public hearing, the Administrator shall issue a decision granting or refusing such suspension. The Administrator shall grant such suspension only if he determines that (i) such suspension is essential to the public interest or the public health and welfare of the United States, (ii) all good faith efforts have been made to meet the standards established by this subsection, (iii) the applicant has established that effective control technology, processes, operating methods, or other alternatives are not available or have not been available for a sufficient period of time to achieve compliance prior to the effective date of such standards, and (iv) the study and investigation of the National Academy of Sciences conducted pursuant to subsection (c) and other information available to him has not indicated that technology, processes, or other alternatives are available to meet such standards. " (E) Nothing in this paragraph shall extend the effective date of any emission standard required to be prescribed under this subsection for more than one year. " (c)(1) The Administrator shall undertake to enter into appropriate arrangements with the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a comprehensive study and investigation of the technological feasibility of meeting the emissions standards required to be prescribed by the Administrator by subsection (b) of this section. "(2) Of the funds authorized to be appropriated to the Administrator by this Act, such amounts as are required shall be available to carry out the study and investigation authorized by paragraph (1) of this subsection. " (3) I n entering into any arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences for conducting the study and investigation authorized by paragraph (1) of this subsection, the Administrator shall request the National Academy of Sciences to submit semiannual reports on the progress of its study and investigation to the Administrator and the Congress, beginning not later than July 1, 1971, and continuing until such study and investigation is completed. " (4) The Administrator shall furnish to such Academy at its request any information which the Academy deems necessary for the purpose of conducting the investigation and study authorized by paragraph (1) of this subsection. For the purpose of furnishing such information, the Administrator may use any authority he has under this Act (A) to obtain information from any person, and (B) to require such person to conduct such tests, keep such records, and make such reports respecting research or other activities conducted by such person as may be reasonably necessary to carry out this subsection. " (d) The Administrator shall prescribe regulations under which the useful life of vehicles and engines shall be determined for purposes of subsection (a)(1) of this section and section 207. Such regulations shall provide that useful life shall— "(1) in the case of light duty vehicles and light duty vehicle engines, be a period of use of five years or of fifty thousand miles (or the equivalent), whichever first occurs; and "(2) in the case of any other motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine, be a period of use set forth in paragraph (1) unless the Administrator determines that a period of use of greater duration or mileage is appropriate. " (e) I n the event a new power source or propulsion system for new motor vehicles or new motor vehicle engines is submitted for certification pursuant to section 206(a), the Administrator may postpone certification until he has prescribed standards for any air pollutants emitted by such vehicle or engine which cause or contribute to, or are