Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 84 Part 2.djvu/710

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[84 STAT. 2040]
PUBLIC LAW 91-000—MMMM. DD, 1970
[84 STAT. 2040]

PUBLIC LAW 91-670-JAN. 11, 1971




Public Law 91-670 January 11, 1971 [S.1181]

AN ACT To provide authority for promotion programs for milk, tomatoes, and potatoes, and to amend section 8e of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as reenacted and amended, to provide for the extension of restrictions on imported commodities imposed by such section to imported raisins, olive,s, and prunes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives A gricuitura 1 Ad- United StMes o f America in Congress assembled, justment Act, amendments.



of the



49 Stat. 7 5 3; 79 Stat. 1187. 7 USC 608c.

49 Stat. 760.

SEC. 101. The Agricultural Adjustment Act, as reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, is further amended, by adding at the end of subsection 8c (5) the following new subparagraph (I): " (I) EstaWishing or providing for the establishment of research and development projects, and advertising (excluding brand advertising), sales promotion, educational, and other programs, designed to improve or promote the domestic marketing and consumption of milk and its products, to be financed by producers in a manner and at a rate specified in the order, on all producer milk under the order. Producer contributions under this subparagraph may be deducted from funds due producers in computing total pool value or otherwise computing total funds due producers and such deductions shall be in addition to the adjustments authorized by subparagraph (B) of subsection 8c(5). Provision may be made in the order to exempt, or allow suitable adjustments or credits in connection with, milk on which a mandatory checkoff for advertising or marketing research is required under the authority of any State law. Such funds shall be paid to an agency organized by milk producers and producers' cooperative associations in such form and with such methods of operation as shall be specified in the order. Such agency may expend such funds for any of the purposes authorized by this subparagraph and may designate, employ, and allocate funds to persons and organizations engaged in such programs which meet the standards and qualifications specified in the order. All funds collected under this subparagraph shall be separately accounted for and shall be used only for the purposes for which they were collected. Programs authorized by this subparagraph may be either local or national in scope, or both, as provided m the order, but shall not be international. Order provisions under this subparagraph shall not become effective in any marketing order unless such provisions are approved by producers separately from other order provisions, in the same manner provided for the approval of marketing orders, and may be terminated separately whenever the Secretary makes a determination wuth respect to such provisions as is provided for the termination of an order in subsection 8c(16)(B). Disapproval or termination of such order provisions shall not be considered disapproval of the order or of other terms of the order. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, as amended, any producer against whose marketings any assessment is withheld or collected under the authority of this subparagraph, and who is not in favor of supporting the research and promotion programs, as provided for herein, shall have the right to demand and receive a refund of such assessment pursuant to the terms and conditions specified in the order."