Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 85.djvu/758

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[85 STAT. 728]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1971
[85 STAT. 728]


75 Stat. 449. 22 USC 2385. R e s t and recuperation center s, transportation and per diem for dependents.

Incidental exp e n s e s, payment.

70A Stat. 4 4 3.

Small b u s i n e s s assistance.

Mess operations.

PUBLIC LAW 92-204-DEC. 18, 1971

[85 STAT.

commuted ration; (i) transporting civilian clothing to the home of record of selective service inductees and recruits on entering the military services; (j) payments under leases for real or personal property for twelve months beginning at any time during the fiscal year; (k) pay and allowances of not to exceed nine persons, including personnel detailed to International Military Headquarters and Organizations, at rates provided for under section 625(d)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended; (1) until March 31, 1972, under regulations approved by the Secretary of Defense, for transportation from their homes to rest and recuperation centers in the Pacific area and return, plus per diem payments of not to exceed $30 per day for each dependent for periods not over two weeks, for dependents of military personnel assigned as province or district senior advisers in Vietnam on voluntarily extended tours of duty totaling not less than eighteen months, during periods when such military personnel are granted special incentive leaves at such rest and recuperation centers. SEC. 708. Appropriations for the Department of Defense for the current fiscal year shall be available for: (a) donations of not to exceed $25 to each prisoner upon each release from confinement in military or contract prison and to each person discharged for fraudulent enlistment; (b) authorized issues of articles to prisoners, applicants for enlistment and persons in military custody; (c) subsistence of selective service registrants called for induction, applicants for enlistment, prisoners, civilian employees as authorized by law, and supernumeraries when necessitated by emergent military circumstances; (d) reimbursement for subsistence of enlisted personnel while sick in hospitals; (e) expenses of prisoners confined in nonmilitary facilities; (f) military courts, boards, and commissions; (g) utility services for buildings erected at private cost, as authorized by law, and buildings on military reservations authorized by regulations to be used for welfare and recreational purposes; (h) exchange fees, and losses in the accounts of disbursing officers or agents in accordance with law; (i) expenses of Latin-American cooperation as authorized for the Navy by law (10 U.S.C. 7208); and (j) expenses of apprehension and delivery of deserters, prisoners, and members absent without leave, including payment of rewards of not to exceed $25 in any one case. SEC. 709. Insofar as practicable, the Secretary of Defense shall assist American small business to participate equitably in the furnishing of commodities and services financed with funds appropriated under this Act by making available or causing to be made available to suppliers in the United States, and particularly to small independent enterprises, information, as far in advance as possible, with respect to purchases proposed to be financed with funds appropriated under this Act, and by making available or causing to be made available to purchasing and contracting agencies of the Department of Defense information as to commodities and services produced and furnished b;^ small independent enterprises in the United States, and by otherwise helping to give small business an opportunity to participate in the furnishing of commodities and services financed with funds appropriated by this Act. SEC. 710. No appropriation contained in this Act shall be available for expenses of operation of messes (other than organized messes the operating expenses of which are financed principally from nonappropriated funds) at which meals are sold to officers or civilians, except under regulations approved by the Secretary of Defense, which shall