Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/1512

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[86 STAT. 1470]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 1470]


Post, p. 1488.

PUBLIC LAW 92-603-OCT. 30, 1972

[86 STAT.

graphs of this subsection, plus one-half of the remainder thereof, (ii) an amount equal to any expenses reasonably attributable to the earning of any income, and (^iii) such additional amounts of other income, where such individual has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the Secretary, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan, " (B) if such individual (or such spouse) is disabled but not blind (and has not attained age 65, or received benefits under this title (or aid under a State plan approved under section 1402 or 1602) for the month before the month in which he attained age 65), (i) the first $780 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts for shorter periods) of earned income not excluded by the preceding paragraphs of this subsection, plus one-half of the remainder thereof, and (ii) such additional amounts of other income, where such individual has a plan for achieving selfsupport approved by the Secretary, as may be necessary for the fulfillment of such plan, or " (C) if such individual (or such spouse) has attained age 65 and is not included under subparagraph (A) or (BY, the first $780 per year (or proportionately smaller amounts tor shorter periods) of earned income not excluded by the preceding paragraphs of this subsection, plus one-half of the remainder thereof; "(5) any amount received from any public agency as a return or refund of taxes paid on real property or on food purchased by such individual (or such spouse); "(6) assistance described m section 1616(a) which is based on need and furnished by any State or political subdivision of a State; "^7) any portion of any grant, scholarship, or fellowship received for use in paying the cost of tuition and fees at any educational (including technical or vocational education) institution; "(8) home produce of such individual (or spouse) utilized by the household for its own consumption; " (9) if such individual is a child one-third of any payment for his support received from an absent parent; and "(10) any amounts received for the foster care of a child who is not an eligible individual but who is living in the same home as such individual and was placed in such home by a public or nonprofit private child-placement or child-care agency. "RESOURCES

"Exclusions From Resources "SEC. 1613. (a) I n determining the resources of an individual (and his eligible spouse, if any) there shall be excluded— " (1) the home (including the land that appertains thereto), to the extent that its value does not exceed such amount as the Secretary determines to be reasonable; "(2) household ^oods, personal effects, and an automobile, to the extent that their total value does not exceed such amount as the Secretary determines to be reasonable j "(3) other property which, as determined in accordance with and subject to limitations prescribed by the Secretary, is so essential to the means of self-support of such individual (and such spouse) as to warrant its exclusion; "(4) such resources of an individual who is blind or disabled and who has a plan for achieving self-support approved by the