Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 86.djvu/1635

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[86 STAT. 1593]
PUBLIC LAW 92-000—MMMM. DD, 1972
[86 STAT. 1593]

86 STAT. ]

PROCLAMATION 4099-DEC. 20, 1971


Canadian Component of those imports, by approximately 100,000 barrels per day during 1972 over the 1971 level of imports. The Director, with the advice of the Oil Policy Committee, has recommended that Proclamation No. 3279, as amended, be further amended ^3 Stat. c^a^s^. to adjust imports in conformity with that finding. He has, with the advice note. of the Oil Policy Committee, also recommended that the quantity of crude oil, unfinished oils, and finished products that may be imported into Districts I - IV continue to be deteiTnined on the basis of 12.2% of the quantity of crude oil and natural gas liquids which the Secretary of the Interior estimates will be produced in those districts, adjusted to reflect other national security determinations. I agree with the above finding and recommendation of the Director and deem it necessary and consistent with the security objectives of Proclamation No. 3279, as amended, to adjust the imports of petroleum and petroleum products, and to improve the administration of the program, as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, I, RICHARD NIXON, President of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, including section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, do hereby proclaim that, effective as of this date. Proclamation No. 3279, as amended, is further amended as follows: 1. Paragraph (a) of Section lA is amended as follows: o




J^ Stat. s??.

s^ Stat. 2265. 19 USC

(a) In subparagraph (1) substitute "through December 31, 1972" "°*^for "during the period March 1, 1970 through December 31, 1971." (b) Subparagraph (2) is deleted. (c) Subparagraph (3) is renumbered as subparagraph (2) and revised to read as follows: "During the period January 1, 1972 through December 31, 1972, Canadian imports under allocations made pursuant to this subparagraph (2) into Districts I - IV shall not exceed an average of 540,000 barrels per day. Entries for consumption of crude oil or unfinished oils transported by pipeline may be made until midnight January 15, 1973 under any license authorizing such imports from Canada for that period and until midnight January 15, 1972 under any license authorizing such imports from Canada for the preceding allocation period. The Secretary shall by regulation provide for allocations of such imports. The regulations shall provide that licenses issued under such allocations shall permit the entry, or withdrawal from warehouses, for consumption of Canadian imports only."


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(d) Subparagraph (4) is renumbered as subparagraph (3). 2. In subparagraph (1) of paragraph (a) of Section 2 substitute ^84 Stat. 2266; "965,000" for "960,000." °i9Vsc'?862 note.