Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1230

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[87 STAT. 1198]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 1198]


PROCLAMATION 4210-APR. 18, 1973

[87 STAT.

(2) "Gasoline" means a refined petroleum distillate, including naphtha, jet fuel or other petroleum oils (but not isoprene or cumene having a purity of 50 percent or more by weight, or benzene which meets the ASTM distillation standards for nitration grade) derived by refining or processing crude oil or unfinished oils, in whatever type of plant such refining or processing may occur, and having a boiling range at atmospheric pressure from 80° to 400° F. (3) "Kerosene" means any jet fuel, diesel fuel, fuel oil or other petroleum oils derived by refining or processing crude oil or unfinished oils, in whatever type of plant such refining or processing may occur, which has a boiling range at atmospheric pressure from 400° to 550° F. (4) "Distillate fuel oil" means any fuel oil, gas oil, topped crude oil, or other petroleum oils, derived by refining or processing crude oil or unfinished oils, in whatever type of plant such refining or processing may occur, which has a boiling range at atmospheric pressure from 550° to 1200° F. (5) "Residual fuel oil" means a petroleum oil, which is (i) any topped crude or viscous residuum of crude or unfinished oils or one or more of the petroleum oils defined in subparagraphs (2) through (4) of this paragraph (g), which has a viscosity of not less than 45 seconds Saybolt Universal at 100° F. to be used as fuel without further processing other than by mechanical blending or (ii) crude oil to be used as fuel without further processing other than by blending by mechanical means. (6) "Asphalt" means a solid or semi-solid cementitious crude oil or derivative of crude oil, 50 percent or more of the constituents of which are bitumins, which is not to be used as fuel and which is to be used without further processing except airblowing or blending by mechanical means. (7) "Lubricating oils" means any lubricant containing more than 50 percent by volume of refined petroleum distillates or specially treated petroleum residuum. (8) "Natural gas products" means liquids (under atmospheric conditions), including natural gasoline, which are recovered by process of absorption, adsorption, compression, refrigeration, cycling, or a combination of such processes, from mixtures of hydrocarbons that existed in a reservoir and which, when recovered and without processing in a refinery or other plant, fall within any of the definitions of products contained in clauses (2) through (4) of this paragraph (g). (h) "Unfinished oils" means one or more of the petroleum oils listed in clauses (1) through (4) and clause (8) of paragraph (g) of this section or a mixture or combination of such oils, or any component or