Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1381

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[87 STAT. C15]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C15]



Mental Health Centers ^^^^ Commissions, Committees, Councils, Etc., ^^^^ Community Act—C ontinued Establishment—Continued Sterilization or abortion; discriminaRehabilitation Services Administration. 357 tion prohibition 95 United States Railway Association 988 Community Relations Service, appropriaVeterans' Administration Facilities, Adtion for 642, 1081 visory Committee on Structural Safety of 195 Compacts, Interstate, Consent of Congress Voluntary Service Advisory Council, Granted to, Arkansas River Basin National 409 compact, Arkansas-Oklahoma, 1970-_ 569 Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and AlcoCommittee for Purchase of Products and holism Prevention, Treatment, and Services of the Blind and Other Rehabilitation Act of 1970, approSeverely Handicapped: priation for effecting provisions 749 Additional funds authorized 176 Appropriation for 517 Comprehensive Employment and Training Commodity Credit Corporation: Act of 1973 839 Appropriation for 477 General provisions 876 N u t r i t i o n program for the elderly, Indian manpower programs 858 donation of surplus commodities 56 J o b Corps 863 Labor m a r k e t statistics and job b a n k 861 Commodity Exchange Authority, approM a n p o w e r services programs 840 priation for 475 Communications Act of 1934: Migrant and seasonal farmworkers m a n Amendments— power programs 859 Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Public employment programs 850 authorization for funds 219 Research, training, and evaluation 860 Noncommercial educational broadSpecial manpower target groups 857 casting facilities, funds 219 Youth programs 859 Professional sports clubs' games, live Comptroller General: television broadcasting 350 Comprehensive employment and training programs, access to records; Recording of programs involving discussion on issues of public imreport to 882 portance 219 District of Columbia bonds, sinking Appropriations for effecting provisions, _ 756, funds of special tax for audit 807, 836 762 Domestic volunteer services programs, Communications Commission, Federal: grant recipients, audit 414 Appropriation for 103, 494 Employees' healtli benefits plan, option Broadcasting of professional sports of health maintenance organization clubs' games, s t u d y 350 membership, economic effect on D a y t i m e standard A M broadcast staemployers, s t u d y 933 tions, adjustment of hours of operaGovernment comptroller of Guam, office tion 709 and activities, review 355 I n t e r agency Committee on Emergency Health maintenance organizations, Medical Services, member 603 evaluation 932 I m p o u n d e d funds, report by the PresiNoncommercial educational broadcastdent of the United States to 8 ing facilities, recording of programs I n d e p e n d e n t regulatory agencies, inforinvolving discussion on issues of mation for, review 593 public importance 219 International organizations and proCommunity Mental Health Centers Act: grams, reports to by independent Amendments— review groups 718 Alcoholism rehabilitation programs, Lead-based paint poisoning prevention extension 94 programs, audit of records 565 Children, m e n t a l health of, extension Military contracts, audit 612 of program 94 R a d i o Free Europe and R a d i o Liberty, Construction grants, extension 94 audit 459 D r u g abuse programs, extension 94 Rail reorganization assistance recipients, Professional and technical personnel, audit of records 1003 extension of grants 94 Rail service continuation subsidies, reAppropriation for effecting provisions. _ _ 749, cipients, a u d i t 1011 757 Funds appropriated for programs, exRehabilitation Services Administration, grant recipients, audit of r e c o r d s. 362 tension of availability 95