Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/1392

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[87 STAT. C26]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. C26]



Drugs—Continued Opium, disposition from national stockpile

^"^^ Economic Stabilization Act of 1970: ^^s^e Amendments— 912 Business reports to the Cost of Living Council, public disclosure re"Drugs in Our Schools", printing of addiquirement 28 tional copies 1127 Cost-of-living stabilization, prices, Dulles International Airport, Va., highwages, rents, etc., extension of speed bus service to, demonstration Presidential authority 29 and study 273 Extension 29 Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway, designaPetroleum products, authority to tion 278 allocate 27 Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial BicenSubstandard earnings 28 tennial Civil Center Act, repeal of proWage reduction orders, hearing opvision 911 portunity 29 Appropriation for effecting provisions._ 514 Economic Stabilization Act Amendments Earle Cabell Federal Building, Dallas, of 1973 27 Tex., designation 713 Economic Statistics Administration, Social Earth Week, 1973, proclamation 1170 and. See Social and Economic StatisEconomic Adjustment Committee, Presitics Administration. dent's Inter-Agency, certain defense Economy Act of 1932, appropriation for facilities, use for community economic effecting provisions 521 development, report 97 Education. See also Schools and Colleges. Economic Advisers, Council of, appropriaAdult Education Act— tion for 513 Amendment, special programs for Economic Development Administration, elderly persons 59 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 755 appropriation for 645, 1081 Campus disrupters, denial of financial Economic Opportunity, Office of: assistance 316, Appropriation for 763 496, 659, 764, 1045 J o b Corps, continuation under DepartDrug Abuse Education Act of 1970, m e n t of Labor 863 appropriation for effecting proOlder American community service visions 756 employment program, cooperation. 63 Emergency Insured Student Loan Act of Economic Opportunity Act of 1964: 1969, appropriation for effecting Amendment, H e a d s t a r t fee schedule, provisions 106, 755 postponement 838 Emergency medical services, training Appropriation for effecting provisions __ 481, programs, grants 604 655, 754, 760, 763, 1077 General Education Provisions Act, Repeal of certain provisions 417, 883 appropriation for effecting proviSenior Opportunities and Services prosions 753-756 grams, additional funds 60 Health manpower training institutions, appropriation for 498 Economic Policy, Council on International: Highway safety, educational programAppropriation for 1083 ing and s t u d y 288 Membership 447 Indian Education Act, appropriation Economic Policy Act of 1972, International, for effecting provisions 444 Amendments: Kindergarten education allowance for Council on International Economic dependents of Federal employees Policy, membership 447 overseas 454 Extension 447 Law enforcement programs, loans to International Economic Report, addipersons entering; gtants to institutional content requirements 448 tions, increase 207, 208 M u t u a l educational and cultural exEconomic Report of the President: change activities, appropration for. 112, Joint Economic Committee's filing date, 640 extension 3, 984 Noncommercial educational broadcastPresidential transmittal date to Coning facilities, funds 219 gress, extension 3, 984 Science education improvement, reEconomic Research Service, appropriation for 474 search, etc., funds for 315