Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/186

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[87 STAT. 154]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 154]


1369^*^* ^°^' 42 USC 415. 86 Stat. 414.

PUBLIC LAW 93-66-JULY 9, 1973

[87 STAT.

modifications and extensions in the table contained in section 215(a) of ^^® Social Security Act (which shall be determined in the same manner as the revisions in such table provided for under section 215(i)(2) ^j)^ Qf such Act) as may be necessary to reflect the amendments made by this section; and such modified and extended table shall be deemed to be the table appearing in such section 215(a). PART B—PROVISIONS RELATIXO TO FEDERAL PROGRAM OF SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME INCREASE IN SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME BENEFITS

SEC. 210. (a) Section 1611(a)(1)(A) and section 1611(b)(1) of the Social Security Act (as enacted by section 301 of the Social Security 86 Stat. 1466. Amendments of 1972) are each amended by striking out "$1,560" and inserting in lieu thereof "$1,6S0". (b) Section 1611(a)(2)(A) and section 1611(b)(2) of such Act (as so enacted) are each amended by striking out "$2,340" and inserting in lieu thereof "$2,520". Effective date. ^Q^ ^j^g amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to payments for months after June 1974. SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME BENEFITS FOR ESSENTIAL PERSONS 86 Stat. 1465. 42 USC 1 3 8 1.

It use ioT" 1201, 1351.

SEC. 211. (a)(1) In determining (for purposes of title X VI of the Social Security Act, as in effect after December 1973) the eligibility for and the amount of the supplemental security income benefit payable to any qualified individual (as defined in subsection (b)), with respect to any period for which such individual has in his home an essential person (as defined in subsection (c)) — (A) the dollar amounts specified in subsection (a)(1)(A) and (2)(A), and subsection (b)(1) and (2), of section 1611 of such Act, shall each be increased by $840 ($780 in the case of any period prior to July 1974) for each such essential person, and (B) the income and resources of such individual shall (for purposes of such title X VI) be deemed to include the income and resources of such essential person; except that the provisions of this subsection shall not, in the case of any individual, be applicable for any period which begins in or after the first month that such individual— (C) does not but would (except for the provisions of subparagraph (B)) meet— (i) the criteria established with respect to income in section 1611(a) of such Act, or (ii) the criteria established with respect to resources by such section 1611(a) (or, if applicable, by section 1611(g) of such Act). (2) The provisions of section 1611(g) of the Social Security Act (as in effect after December 1973) shall, in the case of any qualified individual (as defined in subsection (b)), be applied so as to include, in the resources of such individual, the resources of any person (described in subsection (b)(2)) whose needs were taken into account in determining the need of such individual for the aid or assistance referred to in subsection (b)(1). (b) For purposes of this section, an individual shall be a "qualified individual" only if— (1) for the month of December 1973 such individual was a recipient of aid or assistance under a State plan approved under

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