Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/20

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973



Public Law

Federal Water Pollution Control Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend the Federal W a t e r Pollution Control Act, as amended. 93-208 Veterans, educational assistance. AN ACT To amend chapter 36 of title 38, United States Code, to authorize the Administ r a to r of Veterans' Affairs to continue making educational assistance and subsistence allowance payments to eligible veterans and eligible persons during periods that the educational institutions in which the y are enrolled are temporarily closed pursuant to a policy proclaimed by the President or because of emergency conditions 93-209 Federal prisoners, limits of confinement, extension. AN ACT To amend section 4082(c) of title 18, United States Code, to extend the limits of confinement of Federal prisoners 93-210 CIA employees, retirement, cost-of-living increases. AN ACT To amend section 291(b) of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain Employees, relating to cost-of-living increases, and to increase the p a y and allowances of certain officers of the Armed Forces whose p a y and allowances are not subject to adjustment to reflect changes in the Consumer Price Index 93-211 Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac, establishment. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the establishment of the L y n d o n Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac 93-212 Zinc, disposal. AN ACT To authorize the disposal of zinc from the national stockpile and the supplemental stockpile 93-213 Uniformed services, travel and transportation allowances. AN ACT To amend title 37, United States Code, to authorize travel and transportation allowances to certain members of the uniformed services in connection with leave 93-214 Copper, disposal. AN ACT To authorize the disposal of copper from the national stockpile and the supplemental stockpile.93-215 Hale Boggs Federal Building, La., designation. AN ACT To n a m e the United States courthouse and Federal office building under construction in New Orleans, Louisiana, as the "Hale Boggs Federal Building", and for other purposes 93-216 Silicon carbide, disposal. AN ACT To authorize the disposal of silicon carbide from the national stockpile and the supplemental stockpile 93-217 H. V. Eastman Lake, Calif., designation. AN ACT To provide for the n a m i n g of the lake to be created by the B u c h a n a n D a m, Chowchilla River, California 93-218 Opium, disposal. AN ACT To authorize the disposal of opium from the national stockpile 93-219 Molybdenum, disposal. AN ACT To authorize the disposal of molybdenum from the national stockpile, and for other purposes 93-220 Aluminum, disposal. AN ACT To authorize the disposal of aluminum from the national stockpile and for other purposes. 93-221 International Exposition on Environment, commemorative medals. AN ACT To provide for the striking of medals comm e m o r a t i n g the International Exposition on E n v i r o n m e n t at Spokane, Washington, in 1974 9 3 - 2 2 2 - - . Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973. AN ACT To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide assistance and encouragement for the establishment and expansion of health maintenance organizations, and for other purposes 93-223 D.C., airline employees, workdays exchange. AN ACT To amend the District of Columbia Minimum Wage Act so as to enable airline employees to exchange days a t regular rates of compensation, and for other purposes 9 3 - 2 2 4... Federal Financing Bank Act of 1973. AN ACT To establish a Federal Financing Bank, to provide for coordinated and more efficient financing of Federal and federally assisted borrowings from the public, and for other purposes 93-225 Tung nuts, mandatory price support. AN ACT To continue mandatory price support for t u n g n u t s only through the 1976 c r o p.... ... . _. ..




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