Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/363

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[87 STAT. 331]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 331]

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-98-AUG. 16, 1973



For necessary expenses of acquisition, construction, rebuilding, and improvement of aids to navigation, shore facilities, vessels, and aircraft, including equipment related thereto; $75,500,000, to remain available until June 80, 1976. ALTKKATION



Foi- necessary expenses for alteration of ol)stnicti\e bridges; $4j000,000, to remain available until expended. KETIRED P A Y

For retired pay, including the payment of obligations therefor otherwise chargeable to lapsed appropriations for this purpose, and j:)ayments under the Retired Serviceman's Family Protection and Survivor Benefit Plans; $81,000,000.

10 USC 1431,


For all necessary expenses for the Coast Guard Reser-ve, as authorized by law; maintenance and operation of facilities; and supplies, equipment, and services; $25,000,000: Provided, That amounts equal to the obligated balances against the appropriations for "Reserve training" for the two preceding years shall be transferred to and merged with this appropriation, and such merged appropriation shall be available as one fund, except for accounting purposes of the Coast Guard, for the payment of obligations properly incurred against such prior year appropriations and against this appropriation: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available only upon the enactment into law of authorizing legislation by the Ninety-third Congress. RESEARCH, DEVH^LOPMENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION

For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, for basic and applied scientific research, development, test, and evaluation; maintenance, rehabilitation, lease, and operation of facilities and equipment, as authorized by law; $14,000,000, to remain a\ailal)le until expended. STATE BOATING SAFETY ASSISTANCE

For financial assistance for State boating safety programs in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971 (Public Law 92-75), $3,500,000, to remain available until expended, ^

/ 5 -»- 7



ss Stat. 213. 6

u s e 1451