Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/583

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[87 STAT. 551]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 551]

87 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-146-NOV. 3, 1973


nmount finally awarded as the value of the property on the date of taking minus the amount deposited in the court on such date, at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the date of taking to the date of payment. "(4) Upon the application of the parties in interest, the court may order that the money deposited in the court, or any part thereof, be paid forthwith for or on account of the just compensation to be awarded in the proceeding. If the compensation finally awarded exceeds the amount of the money received by any person entitled to compensation, the court shall enter judgment against the Corporation for the amount of the deficiency. "(5) Upon the filing of a declaration of taking, the court may fix the time within which, and the terms upon which, the parties in possession are required to surrender possession to the Corporation. The court may make such orders in respect to encumbrances, liens, rents, taxes, assessments, insurance, and other charges, if any, as shall be just and equitable. "(e) The Corporation is authorized to take all steps necessary to— "(1) establish improved reservations svstems and advertising; "(2) service, maintain, repair, and rehabilitate railroad passenger equipment; "(3) conduct research and development and demonstration programs respecting new rail passenger services; "(4) develop and demonstrate improved rolling stock; "(5) establish and maintain essential fixed facilities for the operation of passenger trains on lines and routes included in the basic system, over which no through passenger trains are being operated at the time of enactment of this Act, including necessary track connections between lines on the same or different railroads; " (6) purchase or lease railroad rolling stock; "(7) develop and operate international intercity rail passenger service between points within the United States and points in Canada and Mexico, including Montreal, Canada; Vancouver, Canada; and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico (for purposes of section 404(b) of this Act, such international rail passenger service is service 45 us^c'56^4^' included within the basic system); and " (8) to carry out other corporate purposes.". SEC. 7. Section 306 of the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 (45 ^J^^l°^^"l U.S.C. 546), relating to the applicability of the Interstate Commerce tTo^'o/sta'te^ia^. Act and other laws, is amended by adding at the end thereof the fol- ^^ Stat. 1332; 86 Stat. 2 2 8. lowing new subsection: " (h) No common carrier by railroad may refuse to participate with the Corporation in providing auto-ferry service on the grounds that a State or local law or regulation makes the service unlawful; and neither the Corporation nor such railroad shall be subject to any fine, penalty, or other sanction for violation of a State or local law or regulation which has the effect of prohibiting or impairing the provision of auto-ferry service.". SEC. 8. Section 308(b) of the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 (45 U.S.(^'. 548(b)). relating to reports to the Congress, is amended by 86 Stat. 2 2 8. striking out "January 15" and inserting in lieu thereof "Februarv 15". SEC. 9. Section 401(c) of the Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970 (45 U.S.C. 561(c)), relating to the prohibition against other persons conducting intercity rail passenger service, is amended by striking out "No railroad or any other person" and inserting in lieu thereof "Except as provided in section 305(b) of this Act concerning auto- Ante, p. 549. feriy service, no railroad or any other person".