Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/66

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973


Information, availability. Report to P r e s i dent, transmittal to C o n g r e s s.

Benefit programs, study. Report to Congre s s.

Tax impact on elderly, study. Report to Cong r e s s and States.

State allotment formulae, study. Post, p. 37. Post, p. 3 6. Report to HEW and c o n g r e s s i o n a l committees.

PUBLIC LAW 93-29-MAY 3, 1973

[87 STAT.

Clearing House for the Aging, by collecting and disseminating information, conducting or commissioning studies and pub]ishing the results thereof, and by issuing jmblications and I'eports; and "(6) provide public forums for discussing-and publicizing the problems and needs of the aging and obtaining information relating thereto by conducting public hearings, and by conducting or sponsoring conferences, workshops, and other such meetings. "(e) The Secretary and the Commissioner shall make available to the Council such staff, information, and other assistance as it may I'equire to c any out its activities. "(f) J^eginning with the year- 1974 the Council shall make such interim reports as it deems advisable and an annual report of its findings and recommendations to the President not later than March 31 of each year. The President shall transmit each such report to the Congress together with his comments and recommendations. " (g) The Council shall undertake a study of the interrelationships of benefit programs for the elderly operated by Federal, State, and local government agencies. Following the completion of this study, but no later than eighteen months after enactment of this Act, the President shall submit to Congress recommendations for bringing about greater uniformity of eligibility standards, and for eliminating the negative impact that one program's standards may have on another. " (h) The Council shall undertake a study of the combined impact of all taxes on the elderly—including but not limited to income, property, sales, social security taxes. Upon completion of this study, but no later than eighteen months after enactment of this Act, the President shall submit to Congress, and to the Governor and legislatures of the States, the results thereof and such recommendations as he deems necessary. " (i) The Council shall undertake a study or studies concerning the effects of the formulae specified in section 303 for allotment among the States of sums appropriated for area planning and social service programs authorized under title III of this Act. Upon completion of this study, but no later than January 1, 1975, the results of such study, together with recommendations for such changes, if any, in such formulae as may be determined to be desirable, and the justification for any changes recommended, shall be submitted to the Commissioner, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare of the Senate, and the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives. nADMINISTRATION



"SEC. 206. (a) In carrying out the purposes of this Act, the Commissioner is authorized to: "(1) provide consultative services and technical assistance to public or nonprofit private agencies and organizations; "(2) provide short-term training and technical instruction; " (3) conduct research and demonstrations; "(4) collect, prepare, publish, and disseminate special educational or informational materials, including reports of the projects for which funds are provided under this Act; and "(5) provide staff and other technical assistance to the Federal Council on the Aging. " (b) In administering his functions under this Act, the Commissioner may utilize the services and facilities of any agency of the Federal Government and of any other public or nonprofit agency or organization, in accordance with agreements between the Commissioner and the head thereof, and is authorized to pay therefor, in