Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/71

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973

87 STAT, j

PUBLIC LAW 93-29^AY 3, 1973

the entire State into distinct areas (hereinafter in this title referred to as 'planning and service areas'), in accordance with regulations of the Commissioner, after considering the geographical distribution of individuals aged sixty and older in the State, the incidence of the need for social services (including the numbers of older persons with low incomes residing in such areas), the distribution of resources available to provide such services, the boundaries of existing areas within the State which were drawn for the planning or administration of social services programs, the location of units of general purpose local government within the State, and any other relevant factors: Provided, That any unit of general purpose local government which has a population aged sixty or over of fifty thousand or more or which contains 15 per centum or more of the State's population aged sixty or over shall be designated as a planning and service area; except that the State may designate as a planning and service area, ni\y region within the State recognized for purposes of areawide planning which includes one or more such units of general purpose local government when the State determines that the designation of such a regional planning and service area is necessary for, and will enhance, the effective administration of the programs authorized by this title, the State may include in any planning and service area designated pursuant to this provision such additional areas adjacent to the unit of general purpose local government or region so designated as the State determines to be necessary for, and will enhance, the effective administration of the programs authorized by this title, and "(2) the State agency designated pursuant to paragraph (1) shall— " (A) determine for which planning and service areas an area plan will be developed, in accordance with subsection (c) of this section, and for each such area designate, after consideration of the views offered by the unit or units of general purpose local government in such area, a public or nonprofit private agency or organization as the area agency on aging for such area; and " (B) provide assurances, satisfactory to the Commissioner that the State agency will take into account, in connection with matters of general policy arising in the development and administration of the State plan for any fiscal year, the views of recipients of social services provided under such plan. "Area Organization " (b) An area agency on aging designated under subsection (a) must be— "(1) an established office of aging which is operating within a planning and service area designated pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, or "(2) any office or agency of a unit of general purpose local government, which is designated for this purpose by the chief elected official or officials of such unit, or " (3) any office or agency designated by the chief elected official or officials of a combination of units of general purpose local government to act on behalf of such combination for this purpose, or "(4) any public or nonprofit private agency in a planning and service area which is under the supervision or direction for this purpose of the designated State agency and which can engage