780 lis^'^'t. 782; 40 USC 71a. Federal planning agency.
60 Stat. 718; ^^D.cVcodeg^^n'r?'lfif^„.„
D.C. planning agency
PUBLIC LAW 93-198-DEC. 24, 1973
[87 STAT.
playground systc^m of the Xational Capital", approved June 6, 1924 (j).(T. Code, sec. 1-1002), are amended to read as follows: " (a)(1) The National Capital Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as the 'Commission') is created as the central Federal plan^^^^^^ agency for the P^ederal Government in the National Capital, and to preserve the important historical and natural features thereof, except with respect to the United States Capitol buildings and grounds as defined in sections 1 and 16 of the Act of July 31, 1946 (40 U.S.C. 193a, 193m), and to any extension thereof or additions thereto, or to buildings and grounds under the care of the Architect of the Capitol. "(^) The Commissioner of the District of Columbia (hereinafter referred to as the 'Commissioner') shall be the central planning agency Tor the government of the District of Columbia (hereinafter referred to as the 'District") in the National Capital. The Commissioner shall be responsible for coordinating the planning activities of the District government and foi- preparing and implementing the District elements of the comprehensive plan for the National Capital, which may include land use elements, urban renewal and redevelopment elements, a multiyear program of public works for the District, and physical, social, economic, transportation, and population elements. The Commissioner's planning responsibility shall not extend to Federal or international projects and developments in the District, as detennined by the Commission, oi- to the United States Capitol buildings and grounds as defined in sections 1 and 16 of the Act of July 31, 1946 (40 U.S.C. 193a, 193m), or to any extension thereof or additions thereto, or to buildings and grounds under the care of the Architect of the Capitol. In carrying out his I'esponsibility under this section, the Commissioner shall establish pi-ocedures for citizen participation in the planning process, and for- appropriate meaningful consultation with any State or local government or planning agency in the National Capital region affected by any aspect of a comprehensive plan (including amendments thereto) affecting or relating to the District. (3) The Commissioner shall submit each District element of the compr-ehensive plan and any amendment thereto, to the Council for levision or modification, and adoption, by act, following public hearings. Following adoption and prior to implementation, the Council shall submit each such element or- amendment to the Commission for review and comment with regard to the impact of such element or amendment on the interests or functions of the Federal Establishment in the National (^apital. "(4)(A) The Commission shall, within sixty days after receipt of such a District element of the compr-ehensive plan, or amendment thereto, from the Council, cer-tify to the Comicil whether such element or amendment has a negative impact on the interests or functions of the Federal Establishment in the National Capital. If within such sixty days the Commission takes no action with respect to such element or amendment, such element or amendment shall be deemed to have no such negative impact, and such element or amendment shall be incorporated into the comprehensive plan for- the National Capital and shall be implemented. '" (B) If the Comruission finds, within such sixty days, such negative impact, it shall certify its findings and r-ecommendations with respect to such negative impact to the Council. Upon receipt of the Commission's findings and recommendations, the Council may— "(i) r-eject such findings and recommendations and resubmit such element or amendment, in a modified form, to the Commission for r^econsideration; or "(ii) accept such findings and r-ecommendations and modify such elemenr or- amendment ac-cordinglv.