Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/846

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[87 STAT. 814]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 814]


PUBLIC LAW 93-198-DEC. 24, 1973

[87 STAT.

D.C. Code 22101,24-101.

(relating to crimes and treatment of prisoners) during the twenty1^^^^. ^^^jj calendar months immediately following the day on which the members of the Council first elected pursuant to this Act take oiRce. (b) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as vesting in the District government any greater authority over the National Zoological Park, the National (juard of the District of Columbia, the Washington Aqueduct, the National Capital Planning Commission, or, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act, over any Federal agency, than was vested in the Commissioner prior to the effective date of Post, p. 836. title IV of this Act. (c)(1) Except acts of the Council which are submitted to the Presi42 Stat. 20. (jeiit in accordance with the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921, any ^^^ 78 act which the Council determines according to section 412(a), should Ante, p. '^take effect immediately because of emergency circumstances, and acts D.C. a c t s, proposing amendments to title IV of this Act, the Chairman of the transmittal to spea^keVo/ the Couucil shall trausmit to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, ^°"^^ ^"d Pre si- j^i^(j (i^g President of the Senate a copy of each act passed by the Council and signed by the Mayor, or vetoed by the Mayor and repassed by two-thirds of the Council present and voting (and with respect to which the President has not sustained the Mayor's veto), and every act passed by the Council and allowed to become effective by the Mayor without his signature. Except as provided in paragraph (2), no such act shall take effect until the end of the 30-day period (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and any day on which either House is not in session) beginning on the day such act is transmitted by the Chairman to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate and then only if during such 30-day period both Houses of Congress do not adopt a concurrent resolution disapproving such act. The provisions of section 604, except subsections (d), (e), and (f) of such section, shall apply with respect to any concurrent resolution disapproving any act pursuant to this paragraph. (2) I n the case of any such act transmitted by the Chairman with respect to any Act codified in titles 22, 23, or 24 of the District of io'?fo'2^4°-fou^" <^^olumbia Code, such act shall take effect at the end of the 30-day period beginning on the day such act is transmitted by the Chairman to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate only if during such 30-day period one House of Congress does not adopt a resolution disapproving such act. The provisions of section 604, relating to an expedited procedure for consideration of resolutions, shall apply to a simple resolution disapproving such act as specified in this paragraph. BUDGET P R O C E S S; L I M I T A T I O N S ON BORROWING AND S P E N D I N G

SEC. 603. (a) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as making any change in existing law, regulation, or basic procedure and practice relating to the respective roles of the Congress, the President, the Federal Office of Management and Budget, and the Comptroller General of the United States in the preparation, review, submission, examination, authorization, and appropriation of the total budget of the District of Columbia government. (b)(1) No general obligation bonds (other than bonds to refund outstanding indebtedness) or Treasury capital project loans shall be issued during any fiscal year in an amount which would cause the amount of principal and interest required to be paid both serially and into a sinking fund in any fiscal year on the aggregate amounts of all outstanding general obligation bonds and such Treasury loans, to exceed 14 per centum of the District revenues (less court fees, any