Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 87.djvu/866

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[87 STAT. 834]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1973
[87 STAT. 834]


PUBLIC LAW 93-198-DEC. 24, 1973

69 Stat. 700; D.c^. Code 1-1107.

69 Stat. 702. l* ^ ^ ^ f ^^* " ^ * ^* ' D C


1-1 i 10.

D^c.'^code^* 1-1110. tion dates. ZTf/L^^^'^'

[87 STAT.

the provisions of this subsection, be nominated directly as such a candidate for election for such office (including any such election to b e held to fill a vacancy). Such person shall be nominated by petition (A) filed with the Board not less than sixty days before the date of such general election, and (B) in the case of a person who is a candidate for the office of member of the Council (other than the Chairman or an at-large member), signed by five hundred voters who are duly registered under section 7 in the ward from which the candidate seeks election; and in the case of a person who is a candidate for the office of Delegate, Mayor, Chairman of the Council, or at-large member of the Council, signed by duly registered voters equal in number to l^^ per centum of the total number of registered voters in the District, as shown by the records of the Board as of one hundred fourteen days before the date of such election, or by three thousand persons duly registered under section 7, whichever is less. No signatures on such a petition may be counted which have been made on such petition more than one hundred fourteen days before the date of such election. (2) Nominations under this subsection for candidates for election in a general election to any office referred to in paragraph (1) shall be of no force and eifect with respect to any person whose name has appeared on the l)allot of a primary election for that office held within eight months before the date of such general election. '"(k)(1) In each general election for the office of member of the Council (other than the office of the Chairman or an at-large member) the Board shall arrange the ballots in each ward to enable a voter registered in that ward to vote for any one candidate who (A) has been duly elected by any political party in the next preceding primary election for such office from such ward, (B) has been duly nominated to fill a vacancy in such office in such ward pursuant to sec{[QJJ 10(d), or (C) lias been nominated directly as a candidate for such office in such ward under subsection (i) of this section. •

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" (2) I n each general election for the office of Chairman and member of the Council at hirge, the Board shall arrange the ballots to enable a registered qualified elector to vote for as many candidates for election as members at large as there are members at large to be elected in such election, including the Chairman. Such candidates shall be only those persons who (A) have been duly elected by any political party in the next preceding primary election for such office, (B) have been duly nominated to fill vacancies in such office pursuant to section 10(d), or (C) have been nominated directly as a candidate under subsection (j) of this section. '•(B) In each general election for the office of Delegate and Mayor, the Board shall arrange the ballots to enable a registered qualified elector to vote for any one of the candidates for any such office who (X) has been duly elected by any political party in the next preceding primary election for such office, (B) has been duly nominated to fill a vacancy in such office pursuant to section 10(d), or (C) has been nominated directly as a candidate under subsection (j) of this section.". (4) Paragraph (8) of section 10(a) of such Act (D.C. Code, sec. 1-1110) is amended (1) by inserting " (A) " immediately before the word "Except", and (2) by adding at the end thereof the following: "(I^) Except as otherwise provided in the case of special elections under this Act pi-imary elections of each political party for the office of member of the Council shall be held on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in September in 1974, and every second year thereafter, and general election for such offices shall be held on the first Tuesday' after the first Monday in November in 1974 and every second year thereafter.