Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1463

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[88 STAT. C57]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C57]


New York State 1382 Utah County, Utah 54 Mineral resources, development and exploration program, elimination of report to Congress 1969 Mines, Bureau of— Appropriation for 222, 277, 809 Lignite coal research laboratory, N. Dak., elimination of report to Congress 1969 Transfer of certain functions to Energy Research and Development Administration 1237 Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration, appropriation for 808 National Park Service— Appropriation for 222, 805, 806 Boston National Historical Park Act of 1974 1184 Budget authority, rescission of certain 1711 Lowell Historic Canal District Commission, member 2331 National Parks, Monuments, Seashores, Etc. See separate title. National Wildlife Refuge System, rightsof-way, easements, or reservations, payment of fair market value 1603 Nevada, title to lands in, removal of cloud on 1843 Ohio and Erie Canal, Ohio, preservation study 1447 Oil and Gas, Office of— Appropriation for 200 Transfer of functions to Federal Energy Administration 100 Oil spills, uniform law for liability, study 2145 Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of, appropriation for 222, 805 Petroleum Allocation, Office of, transfer of functions to Federal Energy Administration 100 Pipeline safety and operation, standards and regulations, cooperation 2146 Piscataway Park, Md., acquisition of lands 1304 Reclamation, Bureau of, appropriation for 207, 222, 785, 1778 Reclamation project lands, classifications and reclassifications of, elimination of report requirement 1970 Reclamation projects. See separate title. Re creation areas, use fees 192 Reporting requirements, modification or discontinuation or certain.. _ 1967-1970 Saline Water, Office of, appropriation for 805, 1782 Saline Water Conversion Act of 1971, The— Appropriation for effecting provisions 805 Program, authorization of funds 295 San Juan National Historic Site, Puerto Rico, damage studies 1447 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation for 222, 278, 279, 813 Solano County, Calif., potential water resource development program, feasibility study 1498 Solicitor, Office of the, appropriation for 222, 813 Southeastern Power Administration, appropriation for 789


Southwestern Power Administration, Pa^e appropriation for 222, 789 Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of— Appropriation for 200, 222 Federal agency loan of personnel and equipment 123 Replacement by United States Fish and Wildlife Service 92 Territorial Affairs, Office of, appropriation for 812 Trade agreements, cooperation 1995 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. See separate title. Union Station, D.C., model intermodal transportation terminal at, consultation 1533 Water research program, elimination of report requirement 1970 Water Resources Research, Office of, appropriation for 222, 804 William Jennings Bryan statue, conveyance to Salem, 111 1186 Youth Conservation Corps— Appropriation for 816 Expansion 1066 State projects, grant program 1067 Youth conservation projects, grants to States 1067 Yuma, Ariz., municipal and industrial water delivery system, feasibility study 1498 Internal Revenue Code of 1954, amendments 164, 235, 422, 898-994, 1003, 1033, 1291-1297, 1359, 1454, 1456-1459, 1466-1468, 1534, 1550, 1950-1953, 2025, 2109-2121, 23582360 Internal Revenue Service: Additional positions 951 Appropriation for 212, 225, 615 Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations, Office of, establishment 951 International Agreements for Nuclear Cooperation, congressional approval requirement 1460 International Air Transportation Fair Competitive Practices Act of 1974 2102 International Aviation Facilities Act, Amendment, international user charges, negotiations for reduction of discriminatory charges 2103 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico: Appropriation for 224, 1189 U.S. section, advance funds to 267 International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada, appropriation for 1190 International Broadcasting, Board for, appropriation for 1204 International Broadcasting Act of 1973, Board for, Amendment, authorization of funds 781 International Business Administration, Domestic and, appropriation for__ 218, 1196 International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, Amendment, Hungary, claims against by American nationals 1386 International Clergy Week in the United States, proclamation 2439 International Commission of Control and Supervision: Appropriation for 1189 U.S. contribution, authorization 1816

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1362; Part 2 contains pages 1363-2645.