Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/682

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[88 STAT. 638]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 638]



42 USC 5304.

42 USC 2000a note

18 USC 245.

[88 STAT.


^^^^ -j^Q^ ^g^^ ] qQ grajit may be made pursuant to section 106 unless yan application shall have been submitted to the Secretary in which the applicant— (1) sets forth a summary of a three-year community development plan which identifies community development needs, demonstrates a comprehensive strategy for meeting those needs, and specifies both short- and long-term community development objectives which have been developed in accordance with areawide development planning and national urban growth policies; (2) formulates a program which (A) includes the activities to be undertaken to meet its community development needs and objectives, together with the estimated costs and general location of such activities, (B) indicates resources other than those provided under this title which are expected to be made available toward meeting its identified needs and objectives, and (C) takes into account appropriate environmental factors; (3) describes a program designed to— (A) eliminate or prevent slums, blight, and deterioration where such conditions or needs exist; and (B) provide improved community facilities and public improvements, including the provision of supporting health, social, and similar services where necessary and appropriate; (4) submits a housing assistance plan which— (A) accurately surveys the condition of the housing stock in the community and assesses the housing assistance needs of lower-income persons (including elderly and handicapped persons, large families, and persons displaced or to be displaced) residing in or expected to reside in the community, (B) specifies a realistic annual goal for the number of dwelling units or persons to be assisted, including (i) the relative proportion of new, rehabilitated, and existing dwelling units, and (ii) the sizes and types of housing projects and assistance best suited to the needs of lower-income persons in the community, and (C) indicates the general locations of proposed housing for lower-income persons, with the objective of (i) furthering the revitalization of the community, including the restoration and rehabilitation of stable neighborhoods to the maximum extent possible, (ii) promoting greater choice of housing opportunities and avoiding undue concentrations of assisted persons in areas containing a high proportion of lowincome persons, and (iii) assuring the availability of public facilities and services adequate to serve proposed housing projects; (5) provides satisfactory assurances that the program will be conducted and administered in conformity with Public Law B-352 and Public Law 90-284; and (6) provides satisfactory assurances that, prior to submission of its application, it has (A) provided citizens with adequate information concerning the amount of funds available for proposed community development and housing activities, the range of activities that may be undertaken, and other important program rec[uirements, (B) held public hearings to obtain the views of citizens on community development and housing needs, and (C) provided citizens an adequate opportunity to participate in the development of the application; but no part of this paragraph shall be construed to restrict the responsibility and author-