Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/1005

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[88 STAT. 2321]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 2321]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-644-JAN. 4, 1975


" (d) Not later than June 1, 1975, the Director shall submit to the ^/^^^^^'^^^^^^^f appropriate committees of the Congress the plan required by this commluees^.'""^ section. "PART D—SUPPORTIVE PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE

"SEC. 741. (a) The Director shall provide, directly or through grants, contracts or other arrangements, such technical assistance and training of personnel as may be required to effectively implement the purposes of this title. No financial assistance shall be provided to any public or private organization under this section unless the Director provides the beneficiaries of these services with opportunity to participate in the selection of and to review the quality and utility of the services furnished them by such organization. " (b) Technical assistance to community development corporations and both urban and rural cooperatives may include planning, management, legal preparation of feasibility studies, product development, marketing, and the provision of stipends to encourage skilled professionals to engage in full-time activities under the direction of a community organization financially assisted under this title. "(c) Training for employees of community development corporations and for employees and members of urban and rural cooperatives shall include, but not be limited to, on-the-job training, classroom instruction, and scholarships to assist them in development, managerial, entrepreneurial, planning, and other technical and organizational skills which will contribute to the effectiveness of programs assisted under this subchapter. " APPLICATION S o r OTHER FEDERAL RESOURCES

42 USC 2985.



"SEC. 742. (a)(1) Funds granted under this part which are invested 42 USC 2985a. directly or indirectly, in a small business investment company or a local development company, limited small business investment company shall be included as "private paid-in capital and paid-in surplus," "combined paid-in capital and paid-in surplus," and "paid-in capital" for purposes of sections 302, 303, and 502, respectively, of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958. ^^ ^^^ ^^^' "(2) Within ninety days of the enactment of this title, the Admin- Reguiauons. istrator of the Small Business Administration, after consultation with the Secretary, shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary and appropriate to insure the availability to community development corporations of such programs as shall further the purposes of this part. " (b)(1) Areas selected for assistance under this title shall be deemed arfa\'^.^'"'^°^"'^"' 'redevelopment areas' within the meaning of section 401 of the Public 42 USC 3161. Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, shall qualify for assistance under the provisions of title I and title 11 of that Act, and ^^\\ ^^^ ^^^ shall be deemed to have met the overall economic development program requirements of section 202(b) (10) of such Act. ^2 USC 3142. "(2) Within ninety days of the enactment of this title, the Secretary shall prescribe regulations which will insure that community development corporations and cooperatives shall qualify for assistance and shall be eligible to receive such assistance under all such programs of the Economic Development Administration as shall further the purposes of this title.