Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/1009

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[88 STAT. 2325]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 2325]




PUBLIC LAW 93-644-JAN. 4, 1975


ects conducted by public or private agencies which are designed to test or assist in the development of new approaches or methods that will aid in overcoming special problems or otherwise furthering the purposes of this title. " (b) The Secretary shall establish an overall plan to govern the approval of research, demonstration, and pilot projects and the use of all research authority under this title. The plan shall set forth specific objectives to be achieved and priorities among such objectives. "ANNOUNCEMENT







"SEC. 806. (a) The Secretary shall make a public announcement concerning— "(1) the title, purpose, intended completion date, identity of the grantee or contractor, and proposed cost of any grant or contract with a private or non-Federal public agency for a research, demonstration, or pilot project; and "(2) except in cases in which the Secretary determines that it would not be consistent with the purposes of this title, the results, findings, data, or recommendations made or reported as a result of such activities. "(b) The public announcements required by subsection (a) shall be made within thirty days of making such grants or contracts, and the public announcements inquired by subsection (b) of this section shall be made within thirty days of the receipt of such results.

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"SEC. 807. (a) No financial assistance may be provided to any project under section 803 of this title or any research, demonstration, or pilot project under section 805 of this title, which is to be carried out on or in an Indian reservation or Alaskan Native village, unless a plan setting forth the project has been submitted to the governing body of that reservation or village and the plan has not been disapproved by the governing body within thirty days of its submission. " (b) No financial assistance may be provided to any project under section 803 of this title or any research, demonstration, or pilot project under section 805 of this title, which is to be carried out in a State other than on or in an Indian reservation or Alaskan Native village or Hawaiian Homestead, unless the Secretary has notified the chief executive officer of the State of his decision to provide that assistance. "(c) No financial assistance may be provided to any project under section 803 of this title or any research, demonstration, or pilot project under section 805 of this title, which is to be carried out in a city, county, or other major political subdivision of a State, other than on or in an Indian reservation or Alaskan Native village, or Hawaiian Homestead, unless the Secretary has notified the local governing officials of the political subdivision of his decision to provide that assistance.

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"SEC. 808. (a) Each agency which receives financial assistance under this title shall keep such records as the Secretary may prescribe, including records which fully disclose the amount and disposition by that agency of such financial assistance, the total cost of the project in connection with which such financial assistance is given or used, the amount of that portion of the cost of the project supplied by other

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