Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/1030

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[88 STAT. 2346]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 2346]


PUBLIC LAW 93-647 -- JAN. 4, 1975

[88 STAT.

Ante, p. 2337. State under section 2002 for expenditures during that period by 3 percent for each clause of subsection (d) (1) with respect to which there is a finding of noncompliance and with respect to which he is not yet satisfied that there will no longer be any such failure to comply.


42 USC 1397c. "SEC. 2004. A State's services program planning meets the require- ments of this section if, for the purpose of assuring public participation in the development of the program for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1) within the State—

    " (1) the beginning of the fiscal year of either the Federal Gov-

ernment or the State government is established as the beginning of the State's services program year; and

    "(2) at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the State's 

services program year, the chief executive officer of the State, or such other official as the laws of the State provide, publishes and makes generally available (as defined in regulations prescribed by the Secretary after consideration of State laws governing notice of actions by public officials) to the public a proposed comprehen- sive annual services program plan prepared by the agency desig- Ante, p. 2343. nated pursuant to the requirements of section 2003 (d) (1) (C) and, unless the laws of the State provide otherwise, approved by the chief executive officer, which sets forth the State's plan for the provision of the services described in section 2002 (a) (1) during that year, including— " (A) the objectives to be achieved under the program, " (B) the services to be provided under the program, includ- ing at least one service directed at at least one of the goals in each of the five categories of goals set forth in section 2002 (a) (1) (as determined by the State) and including at least three types of services (selected by the State) for indi- viduals who are recipients of supplemental security income 42 USC 1381. benefits under title XVI and who are in need of such services, together with a definition of those services and a description of their relationship to the objectives to be achieved under the program and the goals described in section 2002 (a) (1), " (C) the categories of individuals to whom those services are to be provided, including any categories based on the income of individuals or their families, " (D) the geographic areas in which those services are to be provided, and the nature and amount of the services to be provided in each area, " (E) a description of the planning, evaluation, and report- ing activities to be carried out under the program, " (F) the sources of the resources to be used to carry out the program, " (G) a description of the organizational structure through which the program will be administered, including the extent to which public and private agencies and volunteers will be utilized in the provision of services, " (H) a description of how the provision of services under the program will be coordinated with the plan of the State 42 USC 601, 620. approved under part A of title IV, the plan of the State developed under part B of that title, the supplemental secu- rity income program established by title XVI, the plan of the 42 USC 1396. State approved under title XIX, and other programs for the provision of related human services within the State, includ-