Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/1366

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[88 STAT. C34]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C34]



Emergency Home Purchase Assistance ^^^e Energy Commission, Atomic. See Atomic Pa^e Act of 1974 1364 Energy Commission. Emergency Insured Student Loan Act of Energy Conservation, Office of, transfer of 1969: functions to Federal Energy AdminisAmendment, extension 89 tration 100 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 1642 Energy Conservation Act, Emergency Emergency Jobs and Unemployment AsHighway: sistance Act of 1974 1845 Amendment, carpool demonstration program applications, extension 2289 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 2106, Repeal of certain provision 2286 2108 Emergency Livestock Credit Act of 1974 _ 391 Energy Conservation Act of 1973, Emergency Daylight Saving Time, AmendEmergency Medical Services Week, 1974, ment, exemption; final report, time proclamation 2535 extension 1209 Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, Amendment, extension 1608 Energy Conservation Services Program, Emergency 2294 Emergency School Aid Act, Amendments: Advisory councils, extension 612 "Energy Crisis, Foreign Policy Implications of the", printing of additional Education p a r k s provision, repeal 519 copies 2400 Extension 587 Energy Data and Analysis, Office of, M a the m a t i c s, special projects for teachtransfer of functions to Federal ing 588 Energy Administration 100 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Energy Office, Federal, appropriation Act of 1971, Amendment, advances to for 280, 618 States, r e payment method 420 Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 1233 Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974 1869 Energy Research, Development, and D e m onstration Act of 1974, GeothermaL. 1079 Emigration, freedom to join a close relative in the U.S 2064 Energy Research, Development, and D e m onstration Act of 1974, Solar 1431 Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations, Office of, establishment 951 Energy Research and Development Act of 1974, Federal Nonnuclear 1878 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 829 Energy Research and Development Administration: Actuaries, enrollment 1002 Aliens, employment 1240 Administration and enforcement 891, 995 Conduct of energy research and developCoverage 1014 ment, report to by Council on Fiduciary responsibility 874 Environmental Quality 1892 Funding 868 Energy Resources Council, member 1241 Joint Pension T a s k Force; studies 999 Establishment 1234 Liability 1029 Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research Participation and vesting 852 and Development Act of 1974 1878 Plan termination; insurance 1003, 1020 Helium, potential energy applications of, Report i n g and disclosure 840 s t u d y and report 1237 Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Energy Research and Development ApPlans, Advisory Council on, estabpropriation Act, 1975, Special 276 lishment 895 Energy Resources Council, establishment. 1241 Employees' Compensation Commission Energy Supply and Environmental CoAppropriation Act, 1944, appropriaordination Act of 1974 246 tion for effecting provisions 1636 Engineers, Corps of: Employment Act of 1946: Appropriation for 207, 219, 783 Amendment, Joint Economic ComBig South Fork National River and mittee, employees, disbursement of Recreation Area, Tenn.-Ky., essalary 1776 tablishment; transfer of jurisdiction Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 617 to Secretary of the Interior 43 Employment Act of 1967, Age DiscriminaFish hatchery facilities, funds to State of tion in. Amendment, federal governWashington for construction of 25 m e n t employment 74 Flood control— Employment Act of 1971, Emergency, Appropriation for 784 appropriation for effecting provisions. 202 Mississippi River, appropriation for. 207, 784 Employment and Training Act of 1973, Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence SeaComprehensive: way, report on navigation season Amendments— extension, time extension 32 Emergency j o b programs 1845 High-speed ground transportation bePlacement goals 1847 tween major west coast cities, feasiAppropriation for effecting provisions. 202, 1635 bility study, consultation 1532 Employment Opportunity Commission, P a i n t e d Rock D a m, Ariz., land acquisiEqual: tion for Department of the InAppropriation for 227, 1204 terior 268 Reporting requirements, modification._ 1972 Railroads, N o r the a s t Corridor project Employment Standards Administration, completion, cooperation . _ - 1527 appropriation for 223, 1636, 1772 R e c l a m a t i o n projects. See separate title. Energy Administration, Federal. See FedR i v e r Basin M o n e t a r y Authorization eral Energy Administration. Act of 1974 49 Energy Administration Act of 1974, Shoreline Erosion Control D e m o n s t r a tion Act of 1974 26 Federal-96 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1362; Part 2 contains pages 1363-2546.