Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/1381

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[88 STAT. C49]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C49]



Heart and Lung Institute, National: Page Inter-American Highway, appropria- Pafiie tion for 211 Appropriation for 1638 Interstate system, motor vehicle sizes National Commission on Diabetes, member 374 and weights; enforcement 2283, 2284 Junkyards, control of 2281, 2285 Heart Month, American, 1974, proclamation 2444 National maximum speed limit 2286 Helicopters, operation within the Grand Off-system roads 2281, 2289 Canyon National Park, Ariz., regulaOutdoor advertising, control of 2281, 2284 tion 2091 Overseas Highway to Key West, Fla., authorization of funds for reconHelium, potential energy applications of, struction of bridges 2288 study 1237 Primary and secondary systems in rural Hensley Lake, Calif., designation 1959 areas, authorization of funds 2281 High-Speed Ground Transportation, system between major west coast cities, Public mass transportation facilities, accessibility to the elderly and feasibility study 1531 Higher Education Act of 1965: handicapped 2282 Amendment— Rail crossings— Northeast Corridor demonstration Insured loan program, audit requirement, revision 1964 project 2288 Safety demonstration projects, apLegal professions, training assistance. 605 propriation for 773 Programs, extension and expansion. _ 603 Student loans, interest subsidy pay Railroad grade crossings, demonstration 87 project in Hammond, Ind 1575 ments Railroad-highway crossings— 89 Students, financial evaluation Demonstration projects, appropriaAppropriation for effecting provisions.. 203, tion for 211 1642, 1643 Legal education fellowship program, exLafayette, Ind., demonstration projtension of funds for ect in, study 2282 296 Route withdrawals 2290 Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963, Safer roads program 2289 Amendment, technical 164 School bus driver training 2291 Highway Act of 1968, Federal-Aid, appropriation for effecting provisions.. Special bridge replacement program, in774 Highway Act of 1970, Federal-Aid, resciscreased funds authorized 2286 sion of certain budget authority under. 1710 Hispanic Heritage Week, National, 1974, Highway Act of 1973, Federal-Aid. See proclamation 2501 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973. Historic Preservation, Advisory Council Highway Administration, Federal, approon, rail terminals of historical or priation for 211, 224, 772 architectural significance, preservation or reuse program, consultation.. 1528 Highway Energy Conservation Act, EmerHistorical and Archeological Data, presgency: ervation 174 Amendment, carpool demonstration program applications, extension.. 2289 Historical Association, American, National Repeal of certain provision 2286 Study Commission on Records and Highway Safety Act of 1973, appropriaDocuments of Federal Officials, aption for effecting provisions 773 pointment of member 1700 Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Historical Publications and Records ComNational, appropriation for 211, 224, 775 mission, National, new name for Highways: National Historical Publications Access highways to public recreation Commission 1734 areas on certain lakes 2287 Holding Company System Regulatory Act. 752 Alaska Highway, appropriation for 774 Holi field National Laboratory, Tenn., desBaltimore-Washington Parkway, apignation 1977 propriation for 775 Home Loan Bank Act, Federal. See FedBikeway demonstration program 2288 eral Home Loan Bank Act. Bridges. See separate title. Home Loan Bank Board, Federal: Carpool demonstration program appliAppropriation for 227 cations, extension 2289 Certain securities, transfer of regulatory Darien Gap Highway, appropriation authority to -- 1503 for 774 National Commission on Electronic Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of Fund Transfers, member 1508 1974 2281 Real estate settlement— Congressional action, necessity for Federal-aid highways, appropriation further, consultation 1730 for 774 Statement of costs, standard form, Ferry boats operating in Hawaii, Alaska, consultation 1725 Washington, and Canada, Federal aid in construction 2284 Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Act, Federal, Amendments: Forest highways— Mortgage purchases from State insured Appropriation for 774 institutions, authority 1506 Availability of funds 293 Mortgages, servicing by approved High-density urban highway intermodal mortgagees 726 transportation connection, demOlder mortgages, purchase, limitation.. 726 onstration project 2290 Home Mortgage Assistance Act of 1974, Indian reservation roads and bridges, Consumer ^1^ authorization of funds 2281 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1362; Part 2 contains pages 1363-2546.