Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/1388

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[88 STAT. C56]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C56]



Intercoastal Shipping Act, 1933, Amend^^ee ment, government or charitable cargo, regulation of rates 1463 Intergovernmental Advisory Council on Community Services, establishment— 2297 Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970: Amendment, recognition of Indian tribe governing body as a local government 2208 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 621 Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Commission o n: Appropriation for 228, 620, 1781 Deposit insurance coverage for public fund accounts, impact s t u d y 1502 Interior, Department of the: Agriculture, Department of, transfer of certain funds to 268 Alaska N a t i v e F u n d, appropriation for_ 811 Alaska Power Administration, appropriation for 788 Apple Creek unit, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin program, N. Dak., potential water resource development program, feasibility study 1498 Appointments by, Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area Advisory Commission, members 1788 Appropriation Act, 1975 803 Appropriation for 200, 207, 222, 277, 279, 785, 803, 1778, 1782 Auburn, Calif., bridge construction authorization 2287 Big Cypress National Preserve, Fla., establishment 1258 Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, T e n n. - K y., transfer of jurisdiction from Corps of Engineers 43 Big Thicket National Preserve, Tex., establishment 1254 Bonneville Power Administration, appropriation for 222, 279, 788 Boston National Historical P a r k Act of 1974 1184 Coal Research, Office of— Appropriation for 277 Transfer of functions to Energy R e search and Development Administration 1237 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act


266 Appropriation for effecting provisions 786 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Advisory Council, establishment.. 272 Conservation and rehabilitation on public lands, cooperative FederalState programs 1369 Deep water ports— Potential locations, evaluation regulations, consultation 2131 Safety zones 2138 Disaster areas, timber sale contracts 158 Energy Conservation, Office of, transfer of functions to Federal Energy Administration 100 Energy D a t a and Analysis, Office of, transfer of functions to Federal Energy Administration 100 Energy Resources Council, member 1241 Federal Columbia River Transmission System Act 1376

First I n f a n t r y Division, United States Pase Forces in Vietnam, monument, maintenance 741 Fish and Wildlife. Act of 1956, amendments— Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife, abolishment 92 United States Fish and Wildlife Service, establishment of new 92 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958, appropriation for effecting provisions 783, 785, 788 Fish and Wildlife Service, United States— Appropriation for 805 Commissioner, abolishment 92 Establishment of new 92 Fuel allocation, oil and gas programs, appropriation for 278 General provisions. Appropriation Act. _ 278, 789, 814, 822 Geological Survey— Appropriation for 222, 277, 808, 1783 Scientific examinations outside national domain, report modification 1971 Geothermal Energy Coordination and M a n a g e m e n t Project, m e m b e r; cooperation 1081 Grand Canyon National Park, Ariz., deletion of certain lands within, study 2090 Grand Canyon National P a r k Enlargem e n t Act 2089 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, W. Va., additional lands and interpretive shuttle service 1420 Historical and archeological data, preservation 174 Hopi-Navajo Tribe land dispute, interagency committee to assist Mediator, chairman 1712 Hydroelectric generating facilities, construction and enlargement opportunities 114 Indian Affairs, Bureau of, appropriation for 200, 222, 809, 1783 Indians. See separate title. John F. K e n n e d y Center for the Performing Arts— Appropriation for 807 Elementary and secondary school education in the arts program — 556 Land conveyances— Albuquerque, N. Mex 1875 Anchorage, Alaska 1844 Board of Education, Lee County, S.C 1383 Coeur d'Alene, I d a h o 1740 Gospel Missionary Union, Alaska 2384 New Mexico State University 1375 Submerged land, conveyance of certain to Guam, Virgin Islands, and American Samoa 1210 Y u m a County, Ariz 1895 Land Management, Bureau of— Appropriation for 200, 222, 803, 805, 1782 Budget authority, rescission of certain 1710 Lowell Historic Canal District Commission, ex officio member 2330 Mineral interests, conveyance— Clarendon County, S.C 187, 189 Marion County, Fla 190, 399

NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 1-1362; Part 2 contains p ^ e s 1363-2545.