Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/268

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[88 STAT. 1584]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1584]


PUBLIC LAW 93-508-DEC. 3, 1974

' 'Farm coopera t i v e " programs, assistance.


p. 1579.

38 USC 1780.

38 USC 1774. Administrative e x p e n s e s, allow-

[88 STAT,

SEC. 208. Section 1732 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection (d) and by inserting after subsection (b) the following new subsection: "(c)(1) An eligible person who is enrolled in an educational institution for a 'farm cooperative' program consisting of institutional agricultural courses prescheduled to fall within forty-four weeks of any period of twelve consecutive months and who pursues such program on— " (A) a full-time basis (a minimum of ten clock hours per week or four hundred and forty clock hours in such year prescheduled to provide not less than eighty clock hours in any three-month period), " (B) a three-quarter-time basis (a minimum of seven clock hours per week), or " (C) a half-time basis (a minimum of five clock hours per week), shall be eligible to receive an educational assistance allowance at the appropriate rate provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, if such eligible person is concurrently engaged in agricultural employment which is relevant to such institutional agricultural courses as determined under standards prescribed by the Administrator. I n computing the foregoing clock hour requirements there shall be included the time involved in field trips and individual and group instruction sponsored and conducted by the educational institution through a duly authorized instructor of such institution in which the person is enrolled, "(2) The monthly educational assistance allowance to be paid on behalf of an eligible person pursuing a farm cooperative program under this chapter shall be computed at the rate prescribed in section 1682(c)(2) of this title for full-time, three-quarter-time, or half-time pursuit, as appropriate, of a farm cooperative program by an eligible veteran with no dependents.". SEC. 209. Section 1780(a)(2) is amended by inserting "(or customary vacation periods connected therewith)" after "holidays". SEC. 210. Chapter 36 of title 38, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) by amending section 1774(b) to read as follows: " (b) The allowance for administrative expenses incurred pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be paid in accordance with the following formula: 'Total salary cost reimbursable under this section $5,000 or less Over $5,000 but not exceeding $10,000_. Over $10,000 but not exceeding $35,000.. Over $35,000 b u t not exceeding $40,000. Over $40,000 but not exceeding $75,000. Over $75,000 but not exceeding $80,000. Over $80,000

Allowable for administrative expense $550. $1,000. $1,000 for the first each additional thereof. $6,050. $6,050 for the first each additional thereof. $12,000. $12,000 for the first each additional thereof.";

$10,000 plus $925 for $5,000 or fraction $40,000 plus $800 for $5,000 or fraction $80,000 plus $700 for $5,000 or fraction