89 STAT. 1088 Cost limitation.
Federal share.
42 USC 3188a.
PUBLIC LAW 94-188—DEC. 31, 1975 " (c) No grant for the construction or equipment for any component of a demonstration transportation project shall exceed 80 per centum of such cost. The Federal contribution may be provided entirely from funds authorized under this section or in combination with funds authorized under other Federal grant-in-aid programs for the construction of transportation facilities. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, funds authorized under this section may be used to increase the Federal share of any such project to 80 per centum of the cost of such facilities. "(d) Not to exceed $5,000,000 of the funds apportioned to each regional commission under section 509 of this title shall be expended in any one fiscal year for the purpose of carrying out this section.". SEC. 204. Title V of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, is amended by adding the following new section at the end thereof: "ENERGY DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS
42 USC 3194.
"SEC. 515. (a) Fundamental changes are occurring in national energy requirements and production which could result in short-term dislocation and result in major long-term effects on various regions of the country. Expanded energy production opportunities must maximize social and economic benefits while minimizing social and environmental costs to the regions experiencing increased energy development. In some regions, impacted by limited energy resources, severe problems disruptive of regional economies could result. The programs of the regional commissions provide an excellent framework for coordinating Federal, State, and local efforts toward (1) anticipating tHe effects of alternative energy policies and practices, (2) planning for accompanying growth and change so as to maximize social and economic benefits and minimize the social and environmental costs, and (3) implementing programs and projects carried out in the regions by Federal, State, or local government agencies so as to better meet the special problems generated in the regions by the Nation's energy needs and policies, including problems of transportation, housing, community facilities, and human services. "(b) Each regional commission is authorized to carry out energyrelated demonstration projects and programs within its regions including programs and projects addressing the social, economic, and environmental impact of energy development, requirements, and utilization. Grants shall be made only to those projects which are developed through regional planning designed to identify the effects of regional resource development, requirements, utilization, and impact. Each regional commission is authorized to carry out demonstration projects within its region in connection with the development and stimulation of indigenous art and crafts of the region. "(c) Not to exceed $5,000,000 of the funds apportioned to each regional commission under section 509 of this title shall be expended in any one fiscal year for the purpose of carrying out the energyrelated provisions of this section, and not to exceed $2,500,000 of such funds shall be expended in any one fiscal year for indigenous arts and crafts demonstrations.". SEC. 205. Title V of such Act is further amended by adding the following new section at the end thereof: