PUBLIC LAW 94-122—OCT. 21, 1975
89 STAT. 665
and full and complete information on methods used by other countries to move farm commodities in world trade on a competitive basis. PUBLIC LAW 4 8 0
For expenses during the current fiscal year, not otherwise recoverable, and unrecovered prior years' costs, including interest thereon, under the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1701-1710, 1721-1725, l731-1736d), as follows: (1) sale of agricultural commodities for loreign currencies and for dollars on credit terms pursuant to title I of said Act, $449,466,000 and (2) commodities supplied in connection with dispositions abroad, pursuant to title II of said Act, $640,451,000. 7 USC 1721. For "Public Law 480" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, as follows: (1) sale of agricultural commodities for foreign currencies and for dollars on credit terms pursuant to title I of said Act, $56,045,000; and (2) commodities supplied in connection with dispositions abroad, pursuant to title II of said Act, $90,175,000. TITLE V—EELATED AGENCIES FOOD AND DKUG ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES
For necessary expenses, not otherwise provided for, of the Food and Drug Administration; for payment of salaries and expenses for services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109 but at rates for individuals not to exceed the per diem rate equivalent to the rate for GS-18; for rental 5 USC 5332 note, of special purpose space in the District of Columbia or elsewhere; for miscellaneous and emergency expenses of enforcement activities, authorized or approved by the Secretary and to be accounted for solely on his certificate, not to exceed $10,000; $201,805,000. For "Salaries and expenses" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, not otherwise provided for, of the Food and Drug Administration; for payment of salaries and expenses for services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109 but at rates for individuals not to exceed the per diem rate equivalent to the rate for GS-18; for rental of special purpose space in the District of Columbia or elsewhere; for miscellaneous and emergency expenses of enforcement activities, authorized or approved by the Secretary and to be accounted for solely on his certificate, not to exceed $2,500; $50,126,000. BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES
For construction, repair, improvement, extension, alteration, and purchase of fixed equipment or facilities of or used by the Food and Drug Administration, where not otherwise provided, $1,000,000. For "Buildings and Facilities" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $750,000. COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION
For necessary expenses to carry into effect the provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1 et seq.) and Public Law 93-463, approved October 23, 1974; including the purchase and 7 USC 4a pote. hire of passenger motor vehicles; the rental of space in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; and not to exceed $200,000 for employment