TWENTY·NlNTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 108. 1846. 81 the provisions of this act, or the provisions of the said convention,"for carrying the said convention and this act into effect. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all records, documents, The ,,,,0%,,,, or other papers, which now are in, or hereafter may come into, the rpcvrds wbc depossession of the Department of State, in relation to the said claims, j;;;]`g‘;n;°m’tt’°" shall be delivered to the Attorney-General, who shall forthwith, after the passing of this act, proceed to execute the duties hereby confided to him, and shall give notice in one or more of the newspapers pub- publication or lished in the city of YVashingt0n, and in such other newspapers pub- appointmentlished elsewhere as he may deem necessary, of his appointment to adjudicate the said claims, and requiring the claimants to present their claims and evidence; and shall thereafter proceed, with all con- Claims to be venient despatch, to arrange and docket the several claims, and to d°°l*°°°d· consider the evidence which shall have been or may be offered by the respective claimants, allowing such further time for the production of additional evidence as he shall consider reasonable and just; and shall thereafter adjudicate and determine the said claims, and Awardaward the ratable proportions of the several claimants in the sums which may have been received, and which may be hereafter received, by the United States from the Republic of Peru, under the stipulations of the convention aforesaid. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the compensation of the Compensation. Attorney-General and his clerk, for their services in the adjudication of the said claims, and carrying the said convention and this act into eflect, shall be as follows, and no more, to wit, two thousand dollars for the Attorney-General, and one thousand dollars for his clerk, pay- able out of the first funds received under the said convention. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Attorney·General shall Report of report to the Secretary of State a list of the several awards made by ““'"d°- him, a certified copy of which shall be transmitted by the said Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall, from time to Dividend. time, as they may be received, distribute, in ratable proportions, among the persons in whose favor the awards shall have been made, such sums of money or securities as may have been received into the treasury in virtue of the said convention and this act, according to the proportion which their respective awards shall bear to the whole amount received, first deducting such sums of money as may be due to the United States from said persons in whose favor said awards shall be made. And the said Secretary of the Treasury shall cause S,,,,,,,,,, ,; certificates to be issued, in such form as he shall prescribe, showing '1`¤¤5¤¤¤ryt<> i¤¤¤¤ the proportion to which each claimant may be entitled of the amount °""n°”°°°‘ to be received; and on the presentation of the said certificates at the when U, i,,, treasury, as the net proceeds of the several instalments may be re- paidceived, such proportions thereof shall be paid to the legal holders of said certificates. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Secrekary of the Trea— I,,,,,,),,,,,,,,,,, sury shall cause the several instalments, with the interest thereon, pay- ri-any Peru to be able to the United States in virtue of the said convention, or the se- "’°""°d‘ curities therefor, to be received from the Republic of Peru, and transferred to the United States, in such manner as he may deem best ; and the net proceeds thereof to be paid into the treasury, and the same are hereby appropriated to pay the awards herein provided for. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That, as soon as the duties Record, to be hereby prescribed are completed by the Attorney-General, the rec- depwiwd in ¢l1¤ ords, documents, and all other papers relating to the said claims, in E,°;:,':_ D°pm' his possession, shall be deposited in the office of the Secretary of State. Approved, August 8, 1846. Vox.. IX. Pun.- 11