INDEX. 1029 H¢m0¤H'» (00¤¢i1¤1¢d;) _ _ _ Hanover, (continued.) landed witlun the territories of Han- within ten months from date of sigover, ----- 862 nature, ·--- 867 and upon certain condition the govern- when ratified, the treaty between the ment of Hanover will abolish that _ United States and Hanover of 20th toll on merchandise destined for May, 184.0, to be null and void, ports and places in other states, 862 867 but a sufficient tax may be levied for accession of Oldenburg to treaty with, expense of maintaining the reguln- 868 tion respecting transit goods, 862 Hardy, Edward, such tex limited, - - — 862 excess of duties to be refunded to, 84, 676 each party to have the liberty of ap- Harding, William, pointing consuls, &c., in the ports a portion of a penalty refunded to, 756 of the other, who shall enjoy the payment to, -·-- 812 same privileges as those of the most Harding, Winthrop S., favored nations, — - · 862 act for relief of, --·- 802 consuls, Src., to have the right to sit as Hardorp, Jo/m, judges and arbitrators in differences penalty remitted to, - - - 733 that may arise between masters and Hamer': Ferry. See Armoriea. crews of vessels of the nation Rpm- Harris, Beryamin, sented by them, - - - 863 permitted to enter certain lands, - 652 but contending parties shall not there- Harris, Oliver C., by be deprived of the right to resort letters patent oi} extended, - • 734 to the judicial authority of their own Haskell, Josiah, country, ---- 863 to be paid for services, - - - 696 consuls, &c., may require the assist- Hassler, Anna J., ance of local authorities for arrest of pension of, ----- 743 deserters, ---- 868 Hawke, Charles, how the demand shall be made, 863 payment to, -·—· 543 how deserters shall be disposed of Hawkins, Job, when arrested, - - - 863 to be placed on pension roll, - - 705 citizens and subjects of either party to Hawaiian Islands, be permitted to reside in all parts of treaty of Dec. 20, 1849, with, - 977 the territories of the other, &c., 864 regulations respecting commerce, 977, whilst they conform to the laws, they 978, 980 shall be at liberty to manage for regulations respecting mails, 978, 982 themselves their own business, and reciprocal privileges of citizens, 979, be treated in all respects as citizens 980, 981 or subjects of the country in which eonsuls, &c., ---- 980 they reside, - - - 864 wrecks, ---- 981 they shall have free access to the tri- extradition of criminals, - 981 bunals of `ustice, &c., - 865 Hawley, Gideon, they may dispose of their personal reappointed a regent of the Smithsonian property, ---- 865 Institute, ---·· 417 their personal representatives, heirs, Hays, Sleelden B., and devisees, may succeed to the to be paid, - · - - - 682 same, ---- 865 Healy, Bethials, and may take possession and dispose pension to, ----— 764 of it, paying such duty only as the Hemp, American, inhabitants of the country where secretary may make five years' contracts such property is situate, · 865 for, for use of navy, - - - 334 property o absent heirs to be taken purchase of, - — 613, 514, 621, 622 care of, ---- 865 statistics of, ----- 433 questions of ownership to be decided American water-rottcd, to be contracted according to the laws of the country for, - ----- 6 wherein the property is situate, Hmdercon, Mqjor- General, 865 sword presented to, by Congress, - 206 heirs of real estate allowed a reasona.- Henrie, Captain Dun Drake, ble time to dispose of the same and reward to, in money and land, for meritowithdraw the proceeds, - 865 rious services in Mexican war, - 755 capitals and effects of those desiring to Herald, Sha), , change their residence to be exempt extra tonnage duty charged on, to be refrom duties of detraction or emigra- ilmded, ----- 664 tion, -—--- 866 Harrington, Charity, duration of treaty, — - 866 permitted to enter certain land, - 736 the advantages and privileges of this Hemm, James, treaty may be extended to other payment to, ..-- 513 states of the-Germanic Coufedera- Hu-uy, Smith 4, tion, provided they shall confer simi- releued from certain bonds, - ·797 lar favors upon the United States to Huu Canal, those conferred by the kingdom of convention of March 26, 1844, with, 818 Hanover, &c., - - - 867 abolition of the droit d’aubaine and this treaty to be subject to ratification, · taxes on emigration, - - 818 and ratillcations to be exchanged heirs allowed to sell real property, and