Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/136

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110 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ras. 5, 6,9. 1846. 1 pg Greag Britain United States be, and hefighereliy, uuthopzed, at his discrgtion, to 9 rw ¢¢ ¤i· · t ritam the notice re uire b th _ give to the government 0 fel _ _ q _ y 6 bgfigclilifnlirlli second article of the said convention of the sixth of August, eighteen yf A3? 6»b182;’» hundred and twenty-seven, for the abrogation of the same, Of 8 Il Y0g · · 6,,,, or the ,,,me_ Armovnn, April 27, 1846. May 15'm46_ [No. 5.] .- Joint Resolution to correct u. clerical En-or. Preamble. Wrmrtms an error occurred in the enrolment of "An Act to supply Deticiencies in the Appropriations for .C8ft3lD Objects made for the Ser. vice of the tiscal Year ending the thirticth of June, 1846}* approved May eighth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, by which error an appropriation intended for the support of the penitentiary of the District of Columbia appears as an appropriation " for the support of the District AMB, P- 8- of Columbia": _ Appropriation Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Qiaffj gg6g5S] United States ofrimeriea in Congress assembled, That the appropripoit lor the D. ation of eleven thousand nine hundred and forty-nine dollars and sixty· ggé; **1;*** four cents, appearing in said act to be " for the support of the District been ap ,.,,,,,,_ of Columbia," was intended by Congress, and shall be construed to ¤tcdf¤r"tile sup- have been appropriated for the support of the penitentiary of the said

 District of Columbia, for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June,

District. eighteen hundred and forty-six. Approved, May I5, 1846. May 20, 1846. [No. 6.] ·— A Resolution providing for temporary Mail Service in Texas. G Postmaster- Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uniu:3°;:lc::;h°¤· ted States of Ammea m Congress assembled, That the Postmaster- ,,,,,,,,,3 General he, and he is hereby, authorized to continue the mail service szygpe in gags. now existing in Texas,'under the laws and authority of Texas, or such ¤ PP' · · part thereof as, in his judgment, the public interest may require, from the time that Texas becomes a State in this Union, until contracts can be made, and the mail service put in operation on the post routes in Texas established by Congress at its present session. Armtovan, May 20, 1846. ·l¤¤•= 26, 1846- [No. 9.] —.4Resolution in Relation to do Ironing of Groot; of certain Lamkin uuuwnd. . Resolved b the Sena! nd H R ° U ° Au _(, _ 3/ _ e a ouse of epresentatwes of the noerai tdngaraiillo fed States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the Attorney- f:'d3;°°;§;e¤*L$ Cienega! ofdthe United States be, and he is hereby, directed to examnia H,;,,,,,,, md ine the evi ences of title in the case of a certain S anish land claim gaimgndreport in the State of Louisiana, lying on the Mississippi above New ofwho h:§"2jQ:g leans,] commonly klnown as the Houma claim, and to report his opinproooeaiiigstoso ion ereou to the resident of the United States; and if in the opintgztltzflgdigg **2,, ion of the Attorney-General, any patent or patents issudd, or which my Pm,,,,, ,,,,,_ may be issued, under such claim, shall have been, or shall be, issued pggsdcggtlgegyrpg contrary to law, that the President of the United States be, and he is hm hereby, requested to cause proceedings to be instituted in behalf of thevllmted States, and to have the validity of such patent or patents judicially determined. Arnnovnn, June 26, 1846.