220 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Ch. 40,41. 1848. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of Greet ¤Y l¤¤dS Indiana be, and is hereby, authorized to select out of any of the public °°I"°“"““' land in said State subject to private entry, a quantity of land which, together with the land already received and holdeu by said State for the construction of the said Wabash and Erie Canal, will make the full amount equal to one half of five sections in width on each side of said canal : Provided, nevertheless, That no selection shall be made of any Wh¤¤°° °° b° land but such as was subject to private entry on the first day of April, s°1°°t°d' anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. Approved, May 9, 1848. May 9, 1848. CHAP. XL.-An Act tv make Ship Island, in the Collection District of Pearl ·—""""‘·‘; {2in;]-, a. vj;D¤Zive1-y, and to authorize the dppointment of a Deputy Colleeor or sa: or . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the sm I 1 I d United States of America in Cangqcss assembled, That Ship lslend? in mmcpu Pm of the collection district of Pearl Rxver, m the State of Mississippi, is delivery. hereby made a port of delivery, and that the President of the United States be authorized, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to Deputy coIlec· appoint a deputy collector to reside at said port of Ship Island, who is
- %“° b° “PP°m*‘ hereby authorized to perform the duties of a collector of the customs,
' and who shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath contained in, and in the manner prescribed by, the seventh section of the act of the third March, eighteen hundred and seventeen, entitled, "An Act to continue in force an act entitled, mh °h- 109 ‘ An Act further to provide for the collection of duties on imports and tonnage,' " &.c., and who shall give a bond for the true and faithful discharge of his duties in the same manner as collectors, naval officers, Bond. and surveyors are required to give bonds under existing laws; and the compensation of the aforesaid deputy collector shall be the fees established by law for the services he may perform, and no more. APPROVED, May 9, 1848. MW 17, Hug- CHAP. XLI. -— An det to pro·n1} le th; Ventilation of Passenger Vessels, and "‘__‘ oro sr uqoses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all vessels, whether of the United States or any other country, havin sufficient capacity according to law for fifty or more passengers, gather than cabin passengers,) shall, when employed in transporting such passengers between the United States and Europe, have on the upper deck, certain vessels for the use of such passengers, a house over the passage-way leading Q`; ,h“;fG“ to the apartment allotted to such passengers below deck, firmly secured deck. to the deck, or combings of the hatch, with two doors, the sills of which shall be at least one {bot above the deck, so constructed that one door or window in such house may, at all times, be leh: open for ventilation; and all vessels so employed, and having the capacity to certain other carry one hundred and fifty such passengers, or more, shall have two xfgffchtzoxsgx such houses; and the stairs or ladder leading down to the aforesaid mm h h apartment shall be furnished with a handqail of wood or strong rope: my bg Provzdefi, nevertheless, Booby hatches may be substituted for Slwh tuned. houses m vessels having three permanent decks. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That every such vessel so employed, and having the legal capacity for more than one hundred such Vemimm. passengers, shall have at least two ventilators to purify the apartment