Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/254

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228 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 42. 1848. opinion of the mayor, the collector, or other officer duly authorized, there shall be other reasonable cause for such postponement; but public notice shall in all cases be' given of such postponement, and the sales made at such postponed time shall be equally valid as if made the day first defsignateg fog sgclh sale; ang no sale} of aniy geal property xes herea ter ma e s a e nm aire or ma e vox y reason o giiiytbrror of the mayor, or other otiiiier of the corporation, in making a calculation or computation of the amount of taxes due, the expenses attendant on the advertisement and sale, or of the purchase money and the interest thereon, notwithstanding the sum erroneously calculated or computed may have been paid by the purchaser, his heirs or assigns; but all such sales, and the deeds which may be granted on the certificates then issued, shall be valid and binging as if no such terror had been made· and it shall be lawful for the eirs or assigns o any purchaser or purchasers of property sold for taxes in the said city, to receive, do, or perform any thing which by the said act of thelfifteentli 1820, ch.104. of May, eighteen hundred argd twenty, incorporatinglthe inhabiyants of the cit of Washin ton or an act or acts supp ementary o or in execution of the game; it myay bye lawful for such purchaser or purchasers to receive, do, or perform. _ PWS Of Public Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation shall

Q;°;,,,_t° b° have power to cause to be made out plats of all the squares in the city

of Washiiigton, on which shall be shown the lines of all the subdivisions of said squares as the same shall actually exist at the date of the completion of the plat of each squarg, End todpreicrilbe anld regulate the manner in which description sha e ma e o a rea estate Scale ofplats. sold or transferred in the said city: Provided, That the said plats shall be made out and drawn upon a uniform scale of nqrt less than onelénch to fift feet; and that the method of description o real estate so or transérred within the corporate limits which shall be prescribed by the said corporation shall be such that the plkats shall at all gmies spfpiv the lines of ro ert as actuall existin in the s uares; an the office Where W bs of the surveiforlbf tlhe city of llfashingfon shall be the legal office of i°°°rd€d‘ record of the plats of all property in the city of Vlfashington. ·"*PP'QP'l¤*l°¤ Sec. 9. And be itfurt/zcr enacted, That the school·tax which may °fs°h°°1`m' be levied and collected in pursuance of the powers in this act given, shall constitute a tiind, or be added to any other fund now or hereafter to be constituted by any act of the corporation, for the establishment and support of common schools, and for no other purpose, under such regulations as may from time to time be established and provided by the cor oration. Sec.p10. And be it further enacted, That the corporation shall not have power to increase the present funded debt of the said corporation, Hvw debt may either by borrowing money or otherwise, unless it shall be agreed to do b°m°r°md' so by two thirds of the legal voters in the said city at an annpal elle0- tion; and the said corporation shall annually apply a sum not ess t an $10,000 to be ten thousand dollars of its revenues to the redemption of the present Pmd °H"‘“““"uY· debt of the corporation. Sales fortaxes. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That all taxes, except taxes on real property, imposed by virtue of the powers granted by this act, or the acts to which this is amendatory or supplementary, in defaultlof payment thereof within the time limited by act of the incorporation for payment, may be collected by distress and sale of the goods, and chattels, and personal effects of the person or persons chargeable therewith, under such regulations and limitations as the corporation may prescribe; but no such sale shall be made unless ten days’ previous notice thfereof be given in some newspaper printed and published _ in the city o Washin ton. Duty °i °°m' Sec. 12. And be itgcurther enacted, That the commissioner of Pub