Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/270

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244 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 92, 93. 1848. Time or proof vertisement of the times and places of his attendance to receive such ii¤¤¤<><i· proof; said settler shall not have the bcnclit of this act; and all the gleeisicn, how cases reported as aforesaid shall be definitively decided by the Com. m °· missioner of the Genera] Land Ofhcc within two months after the S¤1¤ry <>1'¤»gc¤t· report thereof is received at.his office; and said agent shall be allowed the same compensation as xs allowed by law to examining agents of the Treasury Department. Approved, July 1, 1848. July 5, 1848. CHAP. XCII. —An Act supplemental to the Act passed on the ninth Day af July, "*‘·····‘··‘*‘ in the Year eighteen hundred and fm·ty-siz entitled H An flat la r tra d th 1846, ch- $5- County af Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, to the State of I/Erg;1ii4i" c Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the The $¤PF¤¤2¢ United States of America in. Congress assembled That the Supreme Cpurtof the Um- C f U - d I ’ mdsmcstohavc ourto the mte States sha1 have full power and _]ur1sd1ction te power to hear hear and determine, and shall proceed in due course to hear and de. ""dd““"mi"" uu termine all caus s which had b d`d causes removed r I , e _ _ cen remcvc mtu san court from the me md court Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, holdem in and for the late ggwrttygtgtgyéf county of Alexandria, by Writ_0f"crrqr or appeal, at the time when the mc, of G01w_ Jurisdiction and laws lately existing in said county had finally ceased bi¤tbrA1exandrla and determined in the manner provided for in and by the third section g‘::;"Y;vh;; zh; of the act to which this is supplemental, and shall deal with and disjurisaacticn and pose of the same m the same manner, and pursuant to the same laws, l:;nl;;?éYc::§:} rules, and regulations as would have applied to and governed the said had i;,,,,,;), wm causes if the same had been duly heard and determined in the sa1d cd- Supreme Court before the said jurisdiction and laws had ceased and determined as aforesaid; and all ljudgments, decrees, and mandates, after that time, rssurng 'from the said Supreme Court in any such cause or causes, shall be certified and transmitted by the clerk of said Supreme Court to such court, or to the judge or judges of such court, as has been vested, or shall or may be vested, with jurisdiction or authority to take cognizance of the same, or in any manner to carry the same into effect, or to act judicially touching the same, by any law of th; State of Virginia in such case provided, or hereafter to be enactc and provided. TM Cimuit Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Court of the · · . . , _ county of Wn5h_ Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the county of lVashingingtgn, agri the ton, and of the clerk of said court, and they and each of them are

Oi\'"'m‘;uh_;1“;0 hereby authorized and required to certify and transmit exemplifications

Camry and mms- of all proceedings, and of all judgments, decrees, and orders rendered iygzsezglzwiigr or passedior at any tirne hereafter to be rendererl or passed, in any medingg &C_, action, suit, or prosecution originally commenced in the said Cxrcmi zcugged in any Courtlholclcn for the county of Alexandria, and thence removed into mmced in csgg the Said Circuit Court holder; for the county of YVasl1ingt0n, together circuit com ro,. with all original documents and other papers filed in the same, to such

Iiaygty <>¢` Al- gtcglrtgii-udgc,lyudges,_ordclcrk, be new required or authorizedy cr as

{ _ may e require or authorized, by any such law of Virginia as a oresaid, to receive or take cogmzancc of the same, or to carry the came into effect, or m any manner to act judicially or ciiicially touching the same. Approved, July 5, 1848. July 5, 1848. Cru?. XCIII. -.12:: dctfurthar to extend the Time for lacatina Virginia Jtlilzzary ' """ Land Warrants, and returning Surveys thereon to the Geniral Land 0_[}iee. Be it enacted by the Senate d H RI A t {mh _ _ _ an ause cy" epresentatwes of tw exteid the inf; Fmted States J America m Crmgress assembled, That the Act entltléd rar lueming Vir- An Act further to extend the time for locating Virginia military