Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/278

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25g THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 118. 1848, ... kin A ro `ations ar the Current rmt1C ¤ .

 CZ;}   of ilii; fiigbeértggntmd for lubilling Treaty Stipulzigf,

with the various Indian. Tribes, for the Year ending June thirtieth, eighteen Inmdred and forty-nine, and for other Purposes. e it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives u the Urged States of iydmerica in Congress assembled, That the {ollgiing sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated for the yem ending the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, for the purpose of paying the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not 0;`ll€L\VlS:c aippropgiated, For the current and contingent expenses 0 the n ian epartment viz.: Superintendent For the pay of the superintendent of Indian atTairs at St. Louis land

dI“d'““ the several Indian agentsaas provided by the acts of June thirtieth,

agents. eighteen hundred and thirty-four, of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and of June twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-six, twelve thousand six hundred and seyenty-e1gptJdollars,_ I h subagenrs. For the a of sub-a ents, authorize y the act o une t irtiet , eighteen hrlinilred and §hirty-four, eight hundred and seventy dollars; Interpreters- For the pay of interpreters, authorized by the same act, one thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars; _ Clerksto super- For the pay of clerk to superintendent at St. Louis, one thousand

g°“'·sup;§l‘l two hundred dollars; _

tenderit or west- For the pay of clerk to acting superintendent of the western terriem *€"l*°’Y· tory, one thousand dollars; m§;‘;E‘“€S "·“d For buildings at agenciesyand repairs, tiyo thousand dollars; _ Negotiating For expenses of negotiating treaties with the Chippewas, ratified treaties with April, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, three thousand dollars; l ChlPP°‘”"’· For compensation to an agent and two interpreters for the Indian m{;§;;;;,Qd U}; tribes of Texas, in addition to the former appropriation for this object, Indian tribes of fifteen hundred dollars; T°“‘g _ For fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, viz. : ' diglgflsuan I"' To the Christian Indians.--For permanent annuity stipulated m p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; 3,,. the acts of May twemy·sixth, eighteen hundred and twenty·four, and nuity. May twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty~six, four hundred dollars. Chippcwas. To the C/tippewas of Biississippi and Luke Superior.-——For pay- Payment in ment in money, for twenty years, stipulated in the second article 0f m°"°Y‘ the treaty of twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, nine thousand five- hundred dollars ; goggmmt in tmir Pi*}Y£l€¤t i¤ g<f]0dS, fOr ttvelny lyeatshstipulfitedl ini thedsteeopd ‘ ar rceo the treat o twenty-n1nt u , 61 teen 1un re an nr y- seven, nineteen theusand dollars; y g _ Btaeksmithir For establishing three blacksmiths’ shops, supporting three smiths,

  • g;2P’» Smiths: and furnishing iron and steel for twenty years, stipulated in the scc0f1d

article of the treaty of twenty~ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty- seven, three thousand dollars. Farmers iru- For support of farmers, purchase of implements, grain, or seed, and l,Q‘,j‘“°“"*¤ €""“# to carry on their agricultural pursuits, for twenty years, stipulated in ' the second article of the treaty of twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, one thousand dollars; P*°ViSi°¤¤· For purchase of provisions for twenty years, stipulated in the Seqvfid article of the treaty of twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty- seven, two thousand dollars ; T°b“°°°· Fo? purchase of tobacco for twenty years, stipulated in the S€¢Q0¤d article of the treaty of twenty-ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty- Limited 8mm_ seven, five hundred dollars; _ ues. For limited annuity for twenty-five years, in money, stipulated in